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Dreams of your ex


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Here's last night's:


Someone knocked at my front door a couple of times. I took my time answering it, and when I did there was nobody there. I looked up the street and saw her walking away. She turned and saw me, and came walking back, talking to me. I quickly slammed the door shut and locked it from the inside. She beat on it with her fists while I ignored her.




Think maybe I should stop reading this thread now :p

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I am still having dreams about my ex! Maybe once or twice a week lately. I don't spend my days thinking about him, but the final judgment court date that is just 3 weeks away feels like it is looming over my head. I'm stressed out about that.


Most of my dreams about him seem to center around us trying to be intimate but something or someone seems to get in the way. It's those dreams that I wish I could stop since I do not consciously fantasize about being intimate with him anymore.


I had a dream about him last night though that was more cathartic. I was away with him and his family and he left a bunch of papers on a bed - our marriage license being one of them. I ripped all of the papers to shreds and was angry and crying. I was a little emotional when I woke up but it felt like I released some anger in my sleep.

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Thanks to all for sharing :) It's good to know I'm not alone.


So I had a couple more dreams.


Night before last I dreamed I woke up, went through to another bedroom and there she was just in a different bed. I got into bed with her and went to sleep. I guess it symbolizes how close she lives, I dunno. Pure fantasy as far as getting back together goes.


Then last night I finally had a more realistic dream. It was like an epic novel... I think it came from the fact that my mother and I had a conversation last night that rehashed almost everything and went on for hours. We both agree there's no going back. Anyway, I dreamed I track her down to an apartment she was living downtown. I guess I was going to live with her or try to reconcile. It was really weird. She had some guy come over to watch a movie and I remember angst over that. I figured out she was working for a hotel (didn't make the slut connection until this morning). Most of the details are foggy, but things just got stranger and more awkward until the last thing I remember was us going in a car somewhere and she ended up with some fat dude as a boyfriend, and me with another girl who happened to be in the same car. As far as looks go, we both traded down. I didn't know a dang thing about that girl.


Dreams...what the hell happens to my common sense?? Anyway, I was actually relieved when I woke up for real because it was the first time my dream self had come to acceptance that the marriage was over and it was time to move on. Maybe rehashing things with my mother last night did my mind some good.

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