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When is it too late?? College/career..

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When is it considered "too late" in a persons life to embark on a career change and go back to college?


Here is my scenario.


Got my BS in Biology back in 89.


Wanted to go to medical school, but the costs were too prohibitive at the time. I was dead broke and came from a bad home situation, I just wanted to start my life and get some cash in my pocket. I just ditched the idea. Went to work with the degree I had and found I couldnt make any real money. Got out of it and went into business for myself. Became very successful and managed to wheel and deal myself into a good financial position. 7 figure net worth, Big house thats paid off, no debts, investments, assets, etc.


Now in my mid 40's I am considering going back. Getting into the medical field-perhaps for an MD. I could probably work a small, low stress job while in school, but I just dont know if its worth it at this point. How long might it take? Could I stand the exams and the crap at this advanced age? Would there be a real market for a guy in his early/mid 50's right out of school?



Maybe I should just be happy things worked out for me and go into another business for a change of pace or?? Owning a business is rewarding, but after doing it for so long, frankly I am burnt out.


Love to hear of any opinions/experiences.





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My answer to your original question is "when you are dead". However, med-school might not be a realistic option.


The admission process is brutal. Assuming you performed exceedingly well in undergrad and had a great MCAT score, lots of medical schools require letters of recommendation from undergraduate professors. Then come extra-curriculars, interviews, etc. If you beat out the rest of the world (see India) then you can spend the next four years grinding it out.


As to whether or not you would face age discrimination in that particular job-market, I cannot say. I assume being a general practicioner would boost your odds of applying your trade.


That being said, you are still in an enviable position. Are there any other subjects that interest you? Given that student loans don't seem to be as much of an issue, the world is your oyster.

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I know a plastic surgeon who retired at 60 due to a shake, and became a psychologist 2 years ago.


I know people from every profession who went to law school while they working and raising kids, in their 40s. I know a doctor who became a lawyer.


I know a lawyer who became a cop. But he was younger.


Med school is so freaking competitive, I'm just not sure if they will take omeone in their 40s starting out. A bio degree that old, unused...


And don't forget, you have to do multiple relocations usually to intern.

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Thanks for the replies...


Yes, I suppose it could be done. But it also seems like I would be fighting an uphill battle. I dont want this to be a real big struggle, maybe time to reconsider. I will pay a visit to the local university for a consult just the same..


While I dont have too many regrets, I do wish I would have stuck to it. At the time, the couselors at the school I graduated from told me it would take around 250K to get through school. Just seemed like a mountain of money at the time...


Appreciate it...



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With Obamacare on the horizon, doctors will be retiring in droves so there should be a big demand. Although, pay wise, I think you will suffer and maybe not make enough to pay your medical school bills.


Why not become a nurse or physician's assistant or medical tech. There is supposed to be a big demand for those in the future.


Do you like animals? Become a vet.


Whatever you do, don't become a lawyer. Most law school grads are working at Starbucks.

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