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Reunion: What should I wear?

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I am nervous, so very nervous as I will be seeing my SO for the first time in 5 months. This will be a closing on the LDR and I am beating myself up on what I should wear. When I see him it will be mid-March in Eastern europe. I suppose it still will be cold out, I want to be causal but nice. I don't like heels. :-) :bunny:

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Form-fitting sweater made from a touchable fabric like cashmere, in the most flattering color for your skin tone.

Are you a jeans girl or do you prefer a trouser look?

Can you contend with a low-heeled boot?

Edited by cerridwen
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Anything that makes you feel comfortable, confident and sexy! It's much easier to cope with nerves when you're feeling good about how you look.


Hope it goes well. :)

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