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Would you let someone bath you? ) (werid topic)

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I think you need to get laid more, knight. :p;)

Just teasing, man.


Uh, yeah... I would let someone bathe me. I really like it when my bf washes my hair.


As for dressing me? If he thought it was kinky, sure I would.


I prefer to be undressed, though. :love:

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I used to bathe my ex when we'd take baths together. It was great




Ohhh, Kev. lol.

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It WAS great! She'd have her back against my stomach as we sat in the tub, bubbles and all, candle lit, soft music playing (usually Flickerstick) and I'd take a shower sponge, soak up the hot water and slowly let it drip out over her shoulders, her back, her head, her chest, etc...

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Yea, I love to be scrubbed by someone else (a girl, of course). And I love to return the favour.



PS Kev , is that you or is that Ben Affleck?

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Originally posted by UCFKevin

...her back against my stomach as we sat in the tub, bubbles and all, candle lit, soft music playing (usually Flickerstick) and I'd take a shower sponge, soak up the hot water and slowly let it drip out over her shoulders, her back, her head, her chest, etc...



Kev, you are tooooooo good to be true



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And we take showers together every single day. I actually get frightened now if for whatever reason I'm in the shower alone. And we always help each other, not because we NEED help, but because it's much more fun that way. =) By the way UCF kevin, that sounded like the lead in to a porno, I think I may have actually tingled there for a mintue, wait no, that was sympathy tingles for pixie... :love:

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I love showering w/ my baby. lol


We take showers all the time. It's so fun and he's the cutest when he's all concentrating on cleaning me and he melts me when he washes my hair.


Yes ladies he washes my hair. :)


Once we went to his condo on south beach and it had a big roman tub which we filled with like a million bubbbles. We had a scene similar to what kev posted. Very romantic.


We didn't have music though and we were so dumb because we filled the tub all the way up not thinking it would overflow when we 'both' stepped into it. Yup as soon as we got in it was like 'SPLASH' water all over the bathroom.


ahhh good times. lol

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