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Boyfriend's porn/masterbation addiction

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Porn is no big deal at all. Least he isnt going to strip clubs all the time, right?!?!?!

I once heard that porn is the biggest thing people spend money, more than sports, etc...

Some porn is almost an art in itself, self expression. And when you do masturbate, alot of times we know what we like. Chris Rock once said, every now and then you gotta get a good jerk!!


Now think of it this way, is your sex good with this man? Well, its probably because he relieves himself, so then when you two do have sex, he isnt the minute man, right?!?!?!?


All of us have our pet peeves. Mine I must admit is being lied to. So, just for the fact they lied, about whatever, I would be pissed. My last gf lied to me where she was going, turned out she was going to do drugs, which I dont care for. Well, eventually, it broke us up, because I didnt like it, she still wanted to, it just aint right to try and change people, they gotta want to do it for themselves.....


Just my thoughts


Oh, and not trying to scare you, but be weary of making any of your own porns if you dont want anyone else to see them. If you all break up, it may just end up on the internet.... ala Paris Hilton, etc.... Although that was for $$$ and to get her name out there, I swear.....

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I think we just evolved to form powerful emotional connections(i.e. love) to one person for a long period of time simply so we don't overbreed. There are already 6 billion people on the planet. Imagine what would it be like if we had no emotional connections to anyone and we just slept with whoever we met that day? Overpopulation disaster. We'd screw ourselves into extinction lol. Birth control changes the equation a bit, but that's relatively new and I'm doubting nature factored it in. But like I said, that's just my little theory.


Very cool theory, GM! Not one I'd heard before. Very cool indeed.

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Grinning Maniac
Originally posted by moimeme

Very cool theory, GM! Not one I'd heard before. Very cool indeed.


Thanks, moi. :)

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Originally posted by Grinning Maniac

@lifeislove: Don't worry. I won't tell anybody. ;)


@ladyangel: You must be joking. An article from a Christian website about PORN? Yeah, that's not gonna be biased at all lol...


@Pantuuf: Thanks for the compliment. I'm flattered. :) To answer your question, men don't compare the women we meet in everyday life to the ones we see in porn or make up in our heads. They're two completely different worlds. Porn simply isn't real, and we know that. It's the same as watching any other movie. I liked "Spider-Man 2", but I didn't get depressed after seeing it because I can't climb walls or shoot webs.


Let me provide some perspective. As I've mentioned, I'm a young guy and I look at porn on a pretty regular basis. However, I'm also currently dating a girl who's into video games and kung fu movies. She's NOTHING like the women I see in porn, and I couldn't care less. I think she's beautiful, and I like her a lot. I don't secretly wish that she'd put on a cop uniform and try to "arrest me" while cheesy music plays in the background. I like her how she is.


As for why men choose to be in relationships instead of sleeping with everything that moves? This is only my theory, but I think we just evolved to form powerful emotional connections(i.e. love) to one person for a long period of time simply so we don't overbreed. There are already 6 billion people on the planet. Imagine what would it be like if we had no emotional connections to anyone and we just slept with whoever we met that day? Overpopulation disaster. We'd screw ourselves into extinction lol. Birth control changes the equation a bit, but that's relatively new and I'm doubting nature factored it in. ;) But like I said, that's just my little theory. I could be wrong. In any case, as far as a practical answer to the question, we get into relationships because feeling close to someone is always nice and is biologically something nearly all of us crave. Very few people can escape that. Sleeping with a different woman every night would kick ass for a while, but unless you're either a hedonist or sociopathic, you'd eventually want to get to know one of them better.


Anyways, I think you can sleep soundly Pantuuf. If I can separate porn from reality and still be attracted to someone 110% different than the women I see in it, your husband who's been with you several years certainly can. You shouldn't feel threatened at all.





Nicely put! Frankly your other post sort of made me pissy inspite if the fact that it doesn't bother me for my honey to have porn. (And believe me, it took ME a while to evolve to that.) The only issue I have is the "sneaky" factor. LOL. We have actually found a few new things to try. I am always up for that!


My honey agreed about the noise thing. I didn't even know I made noise til he snuck and recorded me, then played it back. He has it as an MP3 on his computer in our "grownup" folder. =-)


Anyway, thanks for claming down and putting it in perspective.

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