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I can't tell if this girl likes me, even though she said she did

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I have a sorta easy question i guess...see there's this girl i met recently and the night we met in person we were comfortable around eachother i guess.. like i wanted to see what her reaction would be so i held her hand and put my arm around her and she didn't seem to mind. and later that night she was tired so i put my arms around her and she fell asleep in my arms...we were at an all night skate by the way. but like after that she wouldn't really talk to me. and we text each other and she said she likes me and wanted to see me but when we talk she don't sound interested and stuff. Can someone please help me figure this out...?[color=red][/color]

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You're feeling insecure. That may or may not be related to her behavior. She's already let you be physically affectionate and told you that she likes you. Ask her out on a date. If she says yes, you can believe her.


Your feeling insecure is leading you to want her to be more expressive emotionally. But, just because she isn't doesn't mean she's not being honest about liking you. It's more of a reflection of your needs.


Try to calm those down. The insecurities will just end up making you act needy / desperate or aloof / upset when there's no reason to be. Give this time to grow naturally.


So far, so good.


-- uriel

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