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Why to I sob after having sex with my gf?

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Hello All You LoveShackers,


For many years I have wondered why in the heck do I cry after having sex with my girlfriend

One time it happened while we were having sex she licked my tears off, But 99% of the time it's just before I go shower

when we are through, This extremly heavy sobbing starts and I can't even catch a breath it's so bad.

Even my doctor has no idea, Am I just weird, insane or what?

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Is this an emotional cry or is your penis in pain?


If this is emotional, you need to see a competent psychologist to get to the root of this behavior. Most men are quite joyous after sex.


If you're crying because your penis is hurting after sex, see a urologist.

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Hey Tony, :)


I'm not in any kind of pain so thats not it, Emotional? To be truthful I can't really tell the way this sobbing just hits me like a thousand pound weight.


Man this is weird to be crying like a 3 year old at 43 :o

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That happens. Mostly to women that I know of but I don't see why it wouldn't happen to a guy. Having sex can involve your deepest emotions. You cry after sex the same reason you cry at any other very emotional event.


I'm very surprised your doc never heard of anyone crying after sex. It's not that uncommon.

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I Finally ran accross some info about men crying during sex


However your reply and tonys both were right on target it was emotions.



thanks folks :rolleyes:


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