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Well Its Over

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After 5 months and 30 days--we met with the lawyers yesterday to finally divie things up. I told my lawyer i wished to remain outside and not have to look at her

and if she needed anything--to come out and ask me. At one point i WAS asked to go in, and after sitting there for 10 minutes, the 'love of my life' did not once look at me. I just cant/refuse to believe that after we were laughing at xmas, that this could all take this turn and ive made her life so miserable for 'the last 10 years'. She is unlike the girl ive always known...so bitter and angry.

My daughter in turn hasnt spoken to me in 3 months and its all like i never existed to either of em.

One part of her wishes was that I allow her to move. She wants to move 500 miles away. My fear was that if she did I would never be able to reconcile and the state orders you to stay put so as the children will be able to see both parents. Also i know she hates it here and i thot it might be a way for us to reconcile if i could get us both outa here.

Actually as it turned out-they offered me the deal that if i were allow them to move, i would have to pay no child support or health insurance. I took the offer

because i make so very little starting this business of mine and i figured, shes not

letting her see me here--so whats the difference if they are 500 miles away. Im torn and dont know if i made the right decision. Now theyll be going--provided she can sell the house AND get her old job back. And i will lose all hope forever. I just keep hanging onto that sphagetti strand of hope and now it just seems all is lost. Tell me--is there any?

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Stay in touch with your daughter no matter what the outcome of the divorce is. Set up some type of visitation even if you have to travel to see her for 1 day. At this point divorce is like war. All is in her mind is "out-and-go-away".

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I just keep hanging onto that sphagetti strand of hope and now it just seems all is lost. Tell me--is there any?


I'm sorry that ordeal was so painful for you. There really isn't a "good" way to go through this, just ways that are better or worse than others.


I think it's time to let go & move on with your life. I know the wounds are fresh now, but with time they will heal. If couseling would help in this process, then by all means do so.


I agree with wildturkey about your daughter though. Try to stay in touch if you can. It may not be easy right now, but hopefully over time that will change. Maybe once you're in a position to do so, paying support voluntarily might make your ex more cooperative.


Best of luck to you. Take Care!

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