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Girl I got close with pushing me away- should I bring it up?

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I met her when she was living in my area temporarily for an internship. During that time we very quickly became very very good friends, and eventually got closer than that- which we knew was silly because she was going home to another state soon, but we did anyway.


After she left we stayed close online for about a month, chatting all day, skype, etc. Then one day it suddenly stopped. I tried to initiate conversation with her a couple times and it died off right away. She also was publicly posting some things that she would have been really excited to tell me before, but didn't talk to me about.


It's pretty obvious that she wants to distance herself because this relationship isn't worth maintaining, or something along those lines, though I had hoped we could stay friends. My question is this: should I bring this up with her and ask what she thinks- like if she needs me out of her hair for awhile, or permanently, or what? Or is bringing it up a bad idea? I can tell I've gotten too attached here but it would help me a lot to know what she's thinking, even if she just tells me to **** off.


I strongly appreciate anyone who takes time to read this and offer advice, I could really use some right now.

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