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My best friend is marrying a abuser.


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My friend met Nick on Okcupid a few months ago. Things went very fast,they spent the night together after the date and weeks later got engaged.


Now that is when my alarm bells rang.


she asked me to be maid of honor and I accepted. I met him a few weeks ago at a pub, and I did not like him.


First thing he said was " does Bec look trimmer ? " she is an overweight girl, but I do not really care.


Before we met he asked my friend questions about me, like what I look like etc.


he asked for a private chat with me at the pub and we went upstairs for a drink. He knew from my friend that I moved back home after a breakup, and he said "

That is the weirdest ****ing thing I have ever heard. That hurts my brain" and he went on about how he wants my friend to lose weight and look like a certain actress. He also wants her to get a "real job" . She works at a bakery while she studies to become a teacher.



I was away on the weekend and got a few missed calls from her. I see on her fb page that she said " we broke up " and then she says she did not write that and that Nick locked her out of the house they were housesitting and stole her wallet,phone and laptop.


She finally got to his place and he said she is ****ing fat, that he feels like punching her.


So the missed calls were from him.



a day later, as expected she said he said sorry and she will give him another chance. I said to her I can't be part of her wedding as I can't support a abusive relationship. Plus this man scares me. Did I mention he has been arrested once ?




She still wants to get married and he has been buying her gifts. I can't stand watching this I do not know what to do.

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I know the feeling so my heart goes out to you. I watched my best friend date a drug dealer and have babies for a different man who sponged off her. All I could do is say my piece and let her make her own choices. Thankfully, my best friend has chosen a real man for a change.


This man is certainly abusive, but there is little you can do about your friend wanting to marry him. I'm so sorry about your situation.

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