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Why sweat someone and the blow them off?


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Someone explain to me please! Ok... I have been hanging with this guy for a while now. The past couple of weeks things got a lot friendlier. He started telling me all this personal stuff about his life and telling me how cool, cute, great etc. I am all of the time. We would talk for hours on the phone daily. We have everything in common (interests, fears, morals). Anyway, he came over the other night and we hung out. We were all up in each other's personal space and laughing and he was hugging on me and stuff. So, before he leaves he tells me twice to call him the next day and holds my hand and just stares at me. So we talk the next day and we were supposed to go to a party Saturday night. I call Saturday to get the info and he said that he needed to confirm the details with his friend, so I said that I would call him back in 30 mins. He said ok. I call back in 30 mins, he doesn't pick up. I call back in two hours, he doesn't pick up. He hasn't called or picked up since. I am confused..... I went from awesome to chopped liver in 24 hrs? I am aggravated b/c I don't know what's going on. Anyone have any ideas?

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I spent my entire summer with someone who told me that he had only felt this way once before in his life, had me try on a ring, etc....and then did the same. When you figure it out, let me know. I don't get this behavior either. The least they could do is pick up the phone and tell us what is going on!!

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