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Once is bad enough?

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missouri babe

I would like to know what you guys think of someone who cheats just once, while drunk. I have dated this dude for awhile, we never had any major arguments or anything. It's a really committed relationship, we've talked about getting married. One night out of the blue he got really drunk and had sex with some girl who hit on him. I didn't find out about it until awhile after, I discovered some evidence. And he claimed to love me, that it was just a drunken one nighter thing. Still really bad though, right? I mean, there was no reason for him to cheat - we get along so well and love each other. It just happened. Now I'm afraid it might be easy for him to do it again. I finished college not too long ago and am thinking about looking for a job in another state. Good move right? Forget about this guy?

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Like they say once a cheater always a cheater.


If he loved you the guilt he felt would have driven him insane to the point that you would've looked at him and he wouldve told you what he did.


He didn't tell you right away you had to find out later on. Now thats the problem.


I say if he kept that from you what else?

Are you going ot have to worry everytime hes drunk?


Respect yourself and tell him sorry but you deserve a real man. A real man would have known his drinking limits and known not to go any further because he was drunk and in a committed relationship.

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