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I need some input

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I'll make this as short as I can . At the end of last year the girlfriend told me a 16 year old bagger at her store liked her . She's 29 and He is now 17 they have been chating on line and at first I took her word that he was just a friend . Well on august 1st I got a phone call from some one she worked with she didn't give me her name . But she asked for the girlfriend I said no she's not home then I was told she's might be out with that guy she like's ??? When she got home with in a few minutes I confrounted her the only thing she admitted was I kissed him once at work and I saw a movie with him wich she told me after and they went with a friend of our's to another movie . She dosen't get it this is cheating . And i'v seen some of her chat's peeking around the corner she talked about sneeking out to hang out with him . He asked if she would like to see him in the shower her responce was yes but not as much as me if she didn't have problem's with me . We had a big talk shortly after and some problem's got taled about and worked on . But she can't understand why I don't like her talking to him . :mad: And she can't seem to understand why my trust for her is so low . We have lived together over two year's . Thing's were fine untill this kid came into the seen . I'm 35 i'm sick of this teenage game . I love her and really want to be with her for life . But I have to watch out for me to . I'm lucky enough to have a job on a growing childrens TV show how long could she think I would be single how many single mother's would dig having a boyfriend who has my job ???? should look at it this way ???? :)

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