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quick kiss over a year ago, now feel guilty about

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6 weeks after making it official with my girlfriend, i went to a bachelor party in vegas. I danced, and drank, and ended up flirting with another girl, she kissed me briefly (lasted about a second) and then i pulled away and left her. At the time i didn't feel guilty, because i stopped the kiss, was very drunk, and it was very early in a relationship that at the time i wasn't sure i was ready for, having been single for years and loving the single life. Now, it's been over a year since that incident happend and i'm starting to feel guilty about it, because i love her sooo much, and we both believe we've found our soul mate. I haven't flirted with any other girl, or done anything since then, and i know i never will do anything like that again.


I guess my question is, one do you think i should tell her, or am i flipping out over nothing? (she would not take it well, maybe even break up)


Do you think something like this can make a relationship stronger? (because i know how guilty i felt and wouldn't ever think to do it again)


Also, who thinks that kissing another person when a relationship it's in it's early stages is ok? i've have several friends who think this is no big deal...


My girlfriend kissed other guys after we met, but before we made it official, i never did. this is the only other person, i kissed since knowing her...

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Honestly.. you would be telling her to try to make YOURSELF feel better. Not her. It was a kiss that lasted a second, and you stopped it.


Like you said before the relationship was in its infantacy still. You did not know she was your soul-mate back then.


This will not make the relationship stronger, it will upset her, just so that you can relieve your guilt that you have placed too much onto yourself. She has kissed others, and I really doubt she wants to know if you did or not.


Let it go, focus on the future. You two won't get anywhere by obessing on the past.

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I totally agree. Why this is popping in your head all of a sudden I dunno but PLEASE stop thinking/worrying about it and don't tell her. You didn't sleep with the woman, it was a brief kiss and meant nothing to you but I guarantee if you tell your chicky she may not be able to see it that way. It could raise all sorts of trust issues between you two. You don't want that! Be thankful you have the love of your life, now. Don't cause unnecessary ripples in it. I understand you want to be totally honest with her, open, etc. but some small things are better left unsaid. Maybe surprise her w/flowers, or a sweet card that you love her, and make that your mental note to be done with this memory of yours.


I hope this helps and doesn't sound too corny. Good for you for pushing that chick away that night, that was noble of you! Give yourself the credit you deserve, and you do deserve your current love.

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Thanks. I dunno why it's bothering me either lately, i guess i just was reading a lot of this message board and started to think about it, then she was gone for a week and i started obsessing about it. Just my mind playing tricks on me. thanks for the advice. appreciate it. helps to get it off my chest...

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