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I have been married for seven years. In the beginning it was great. For the past four years I have been through physical and emotional abuse. Everytime I try to leave my husband begs and pleads for me to stay. I usually stay because we have two children together. I recently met someone who I am interested in dating. I dont believe in cheating so I left my husband for this guy. I was only gone about four days when I went back to my husband again because my children were asking why we werent together. I still have thoughts about the other guy and regret my decision to go back to my husband. What should I tell my husband without hurting him or making him angry so that I can leave. How should I handle the feelings of my children? He is a good dad and has never done anything to hurt the kids.

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First thing i will say is that its best to solve this problem amicably, the last thing that your kids will want to see is mum and dad fighting. I have a few solutions you could try......first is that you could do is work this out in councilling sessions to try and bring stability to your marriage as there must be an underlying problem that is causing the friction between you. If you definately dont want to be with him just see if he would be willing to have a trial separation period....this would give you both time to reflect on your lives and experience life without one another. Finally if none of the suggestions are workable perhaps you could seek advice from your mum and dad.


I think the main focus of your solution (whatever it is) is to minimise emotional damage on the kids, your husband obviously loves your kids so dont (1) leave with the children or (2) leave without the children and without him knowing. I am only 20 years old and i dont believe i have the appropriate experience to give you the answer you deserve but i wish you all the luck in the world in your pursuit of happiness.

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