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Why am I attracted only to hot girls?


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Speaking just about me myself. I too seem to have the same condition as the person who posted first. I too seem to be only into girls if rated from 1-10 at 8 and up. I really cant explain myself or justify it, I know its shallow and wrong. I am medium looking but with a job that is the most turnoff to girls and women. Not so attractive girls I find them as enjoyable company like we can sit in a cap cafe and just talk about anything, no emotional attachments. Your're right about one thing. Attractive girls knows they are "desired" so they have been fancied, wine and dine, etc...so they always look for someone who can provide more thrill than the last one. But once in a blue moon, someone of no status and cant live that lifestyle goes for a chance and takes it. He is now living with that fact for the rest of his Life. Where this person will go, only time will tell but this person did learn something and he came out a wiser person than before.

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this is very simple, all you need is money and you can have the hot girls you want without working out. i have money so i always have dated or hooked up with whoever i want. 100% every person has there price. :D

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This is a great topic. Men who are a 4 or a 5 want women who are 8, 9 or even 10. And they have trouble getting them. Well, guess what folks! You may only be a "3" right now, but many aspects of this are under your control.


Here's how to improve your rating so you have an easier time getting higher rated women:



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I think girls are more forgiving of average looks than men. I think men are largely conditioned to want sex first and a relationship second, though I think some of it may be natural. There are real differences in physiology and I think that men tend to reach climax before women do, so to pretend like this is all a product of male mind control is a bit of a stretch. We were put on this earth to inseminate. Cold, but true.


As for what women want, well, let the chick magnet break it down for you. :p (I'm just being my usual humble self).


I'll break it down into four types of guys, and I'll analyze their success in attracting women:


Type 1 (The Alpha male): By far, this is the most successful type of guy. I've always noticed that the guys who get the most chicks are the ones who usually are a leader of the pack in some way. They're usually the guy who organizes parties and get-togethers. They're usually the guys who invite the fellas over for beer and barbecues. They're usually the guys who are the most admired or in some way respected, not only by women, but also by their other guy pals. They're socially confident and at ease with themselves around everyone, and they give off good vibes. Women notice that stuff.


Type 2 (The Bravo Male): He's not as successful as the Alpha, but he's still successful. He doesn't have the social energy of the Alpha, so consequently, the more ambitious Alpha will beat him to the punch in getting the girl that he wants in some cases. This guy is usually the guy hanging around the Alpha, and because of that, he gets noticed by the women. He is also relaxed and secure about himself, so that often translates into some degree of success.


Type 3 (The Lone Ranger): Not all that social, but rugged and independent. Enjoys some success with the ladies, but his lack of social activity or workaholic tendencies put him at a disadvantage when it comes to the chase. He doesn't need validation from people, so in that sense he is strong. However, some women may reject him because he doesn't appear to be as important as the other guys on the scene.


Type 4 (The Nice guy): This guy gets served last. He's a gentlemen but doesn't understand what attracts women. He thinks that by being nice, he'll get his girl. He thinks that whenever he doesn't get the girl he wants, he assumes it's because he wasn't nice enough. So he tries to smother her with kindness until the woman finally brushes him off - not so nicely. This guy really struggles because he repeatedly fails to understand why he is failing.


Now, understand something: this explains attraction, which has nothing to do with how successful someone is in building a long-term relationship. Lots of Alphas fail at long-term relationships, while lots of Bravos and Lone Rangers succeed. The difference is, when an Alpha fails, he'll have a relatively easy time getting a new prospect.

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Originally posted by chicklover



My problem is I am sexually attracted only to sexy hot girls. They turn me on. But since i am not that handsome (and no mascular body to attract these girls but very thin which is not attractive for my age- 30. ) ,




WORK ON YOUR EDUCATION AND MAKING LOTS OF MONEY AND YOU WILL HAVE THE HOT CHICKS REGARDLESS OF YOUR LOOKS----Hot chicks (attractive women 8-10) love money and being spoiled but with a gentle touch and caring word to carry the evening through. A man's looks will be second in this case, really! ;)


BE CONFIDENT----Hot chicks dig a man who is in charge, the leader and he knows it and guess what----she does too, a real turn on for a h.c.


Good luck and may you find the most beautiful woman on earth to make you happy,



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Money gets women, yeah. If you want someone to like you, be assertive. If you want to become ripped, watch your diet. Eat your veggies, fruits... work out obsessively. 5+ hours a day should do it. It worked for me. =)

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