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Ah, I'm starting to feel a wee bit lonely

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I'm not talking girlfriend, I'm talking friends.


Right now, and for the past 6 months or something, the bulk of my interaction has been with my bro and his girlfriend. I had some acquaintances that I recently cut out of my life. I don't regret doing that so much, but I never took time to go looking for new friends/relationships. Right now, I really am kind of a lone wolf, with my bro and his GF. I was fine with it for the past 6 months... I had my movies, my games, my various forms of entertainment, but as I approach 30... I now feel kind of lame for not even having any sort of social circle. I used to go to the church scene and had built up a pretty decent social circle, but I recently fell out of the church scene (I still am Christian, but have been a break from church). Since I broke away, my (church) social circle has pretty much evaporated. Whereas once people checked up on me, now they've stopped. At first, I enjoyed the peace and quiet. Now, I long for some companionship. Not necessarily with THOSE former acquaintances, but with others I can truly call a friend.


Problem is, at this age it gets a bit more difficult establishing new friendships as everyone's already got their own circle.


Anyway, I think I know deep down that I've gone to the far end of the introvert spectrum, and I've kind of gotten lazy/comfortable in my loneliness. I don't think I can do this throughout my early 30s and be content. I need SOME friends, and I need to get out of the house once in a while that doesn't involve eating out with my bro and his GF.


I think I might explore another church sometime soon. The one I attended kinda wore out on me... and I didn't like some of the leadership changes.


Anyway, how much lonlies are out there like me, who also at first enjoyed the peace and quiet, but eventually wanted to find some sort of healthier balance?


I mean, I just became a hermit these past couple months. I don't go out unless it's related to work or with my bro and GF. Not like I went out a WHOLE LOT previously, but it was much more than this. I guess I feel like I should be taking a bigger bite out of life while I am still young. Eh, some ranting here... feel free to respond however you see fit.



edit: In my laziness, I think I've put on 5-10 pounds, and I stopped checking my Facebook account, which I had been checking previously about 5x a week and quite active in posting videos and updates. I am not depressed, but I think falling out of the church scene and "wanting to slip out the back door" led me to stop using FB much at all, since 90% of my church interaction came through FB, and in an attempt to weed that out, I went MIA on FB.

Edited by Teknoe
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I'm the same, but my condition is aggravated by the fact that I've moved to another city for a new job, and I know only two or three people here. So here's what I do: there's a personal ad section on the local Internet forum, where people post ads in search of not only sexual/romantic partners, but friends and activity partners as well. I've met three nice girls there, and although there's nothing sexual between us, we've had a great time together. One, with whom I visited several museums, has "faded", while I still keep contact with the other two. The second one is my French learning partner, while the third one loves mountain hiking or just hanging out, so we do that sometimes. I also plan to join a language class and a dance class by the end of this month; surely I'll meet at least a couple of nice people there.

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