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How messed up is this??

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So I just found out that my girlfriend has been having numerous amounts of one night stands with random guys she meets at bars every week. Sometimes she'll even have 2 one night stands in the same week.



I was just wondering what would cause a girl to act like this? Especially a good looking girl like herself. Having a one night stand every once in a while is ok, but every single week? It seems a little exaggerated.



I do know that she has self esteem issues and that she is also taking anti-depressants so I'm thinking that can be part of the cause as well. She's 32 and a single mother.

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First, unless the two of you have agreed that you will both have sex with other people then she is not your girlfriend. As to why she does this? Because she can. She wants to experience sex with a lot of different men and since she is good looking she can pretty much screw anyone she wants. It's so easy for a woman to have sex. All she has to do is sit down in a bar and not say "no" to the guy she chooses.

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So I just found out that my girlfriend has been having numerous amounts of one night stands with random guys she meets at bars every week. Sometimes she'll even have 2 one night stands in the same week.



I was just wondering what would cause a girl to act like this? Especially a good looking girl like herself. Having a one night stand every once in a while is ok, but every single week? It seems a little exaggerated.



I do know that she has self esteem issues and that she is also taking anti-depressants so I'm thinking that can be part of the cause as well. She's 32 and a single mother.


You can't do anything to change your behaviour.

What are you going to do, about YOU?

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I have a feeling that this thread is full of bunnies. But, just in case that this is for real.


Stop seeing her and get yourself to the Doctor and get an STD check up.


And one night stands every once in a while is NOT alright.

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I have a feeling that this thread is full of bunnies....


Well, it IS Southern California....

I also hear it never rains there......

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So I just found out that my girlfriend has been having numerous amounts of one night stands with random guys she meets at bars every week. Sometimes she'll even have 2 one night stands in the same week.



I was just wondering what would cause a girl to act like this? Especially a good looking girl like herself. Having a one night stand every once in a while is ok, but every single week? It seems a little exaggerated.



I do know that she has self esteem issues and that she is also taking anti-depressants so I'm thinking that can be part of the cause as well. She's 32 and a single mother.


I wouldnt ever stay in a relationship like that, but then again, im way more traditional then the average person.

I find it strange that, she has a child and she cheats, but you still stick around? There are a lot of women out there begging for a good guy, and they are stuck with guys who behave the exact way this girl is behaving...

Do the good girls a favor, go find them and be with them, they will not cheat on you, they will put up with all kinds of crap from you, and you will probably (If you are mentally healthy, which you dont sound like it, based on the fact that you are in an emotionally abusive relationship with a parasite) be happier.

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So I just found out that my girlfriend has been having numerous amounts of one night stands with random guys she meets at bars every week. Sometimes she'll even have 2 one night stands in the same week.


Which is why I won't bother with a woman that feels the need to party all the time or go to bars/clubs.



I was just wondering what would cause a girl to act like this?


Her character.



Especially a good looking girl like herself. Having a one night stand every once in a while is ok, but every single week? It seems a little exaggerated.


The problem is she is having them when she is suppose to be committed to you.


I do know that she has self esteem issues and that she is also taking anti-depressants so I'm thinking that can be part of the cause as well. She's 32 and a single mother.


And there is a reason she is single. She doesn't know what commitment means. Best you leave her and never look back.

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What I want to know is how she could possibly be your girlfriend if she's sleeping with so many guys, and how you seem so cool with it.




And also, wtf?

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