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Are the shy girls really the cheaters?

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I think the majority of men WOULD cheat if they knew there was no chance theyd get caught. I have had multiple chances like that and I never did. I had a really cute guy come onto me when I was in a bad relationship that was slowing ending ( my boyfriend would have never found out due to the way I met this guy ) and I still didnt take it. I dont think many men would do that if the roles were reversed.


Most girls live in this dreamworld where they think their sweet boyfriend would never do that but men do have problems resisting fresh vagina. Wish the world wasnt this way of course, but it is what it is. Im sorry if it offends you that I accept reality


Accept reality? While I would agree that men are slightly more likely to cheat, you make it sounds as if the women are poor innocent angels who's *******s of boyfriends cheat no matter now great they are. Just as much as you hate the lingering double-standard labeling women as whores and men as studs when they sleep around, a lot of men hate the lingering prejudice that men cheat way more often and feel way less guilty than women. That we are heartless. In fact, some recent studies show that, because of the sexual revolution, women are quickly catching up and in some cases passing men in terms of cheating. Here are a few examples:

Cheating Statistics: Do Men Cheat More Than Women? | Fox News Magazine

Note: "70 percent of men admit to affair, 50-60 percent of women"

Those are pretty close numbers. A lot close than you make them seem.

And the more depressing one: (This one says women cheat more)

Think men are the unfaithful sex? A study shows WOMEN are the biggest cheats - they're just better at lying about it | Mail Online


Some quotes from this one:

"Are men or women more likely to cheat? While men have always had a worse reputation for being unfaithful, recent studies show that women are catching up fast - but we are a lot more likely to lie about it, and a lot less likely to get caught.

Simply put, it seems that women are better at having affairs than men."


"When men have affairs, he says, they tend to be bigger risk-takers and naïve about how obvious their cheating is to an emotionally astute partner. They will also be bursting to tell someone about it.

'Men have more "trophy affairs" than women. They will often want to brag about it, or be so taken up by the sexual thrill of the affair that their behaviour is a giveaway.'

Women, on the other hand, are much more cool and rational, even when they're in the grip of passion.

'It's a myth that they're more romantic. They may confide in one or two very close women friends, but they compartmentalise their emotional lives and don't let the affair bleed into the rest of their lives.'

Like Farrah Fawcett, a former colleague of mine, Susan, now 50, had a long-term affair with Brian, a salesman she met, ironically enough, when she was buying her husband a car as a surprise 40th birthday present."


Holy ****, thats a cold one.


So much for your jaded view on men and their affairs.

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Your threads arent scientific data. I work in research and I only listen to well conducted studies that go through scientific standards and have big sample sizes.


Men and women cheat about the same, and on a whole, men do tend to just do it more for sex and due to opportunity than women but the difference isnt humungous.

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I also want to add I have seen shy guys and girls cheat because they werent used to extra attention and took advantage when it came along. I have also seen outgoing men and women cheat because generally they get more opportunities than shyer people.


Its more about morals and character not personality

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Your threads arent scientific data. I work in research and I only listen to well conducted studies that go through scientific standards and have big sample sizes.


Men and women cheat about the same, and on a whole, men do tend to just do it more for sex and due to opportunity than women but the difference isnt humungous.


Do you even know what the sample size for the surveys were? Are you aware that a survey is one of the methods of psychological studies? Is there really any other way to come up with numbers for infidelity? And if you agree with me in saying that women and men cheat in general about the same amount, why did you even feel the need to argue with my "non scientific data"?

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