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Relationship turning into FWB


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I've been seeing a girl since the beginning of December. We went on 4 outgoing dates then I slept around and had sex on the 5th. I've done exactly that the next 5 times after that.


We only see each other once a week but we text each other all the time! Something changed in the texting a couple of days ago. We didn't text at all yesterday and tonight the conversation was limited. She said a couple of weeks back we shouldn't get too attached because she's leaving the area for good in 5 months.


I've been having thoughts of love for this girl as little as a week ago, but now I'm thinking we might just be f**k buddies for the next few months and then Bon voyage. This thought was horrible to me, but now I actually like the idea. The pressure of being a good boyfriend is off my shoulders. I will no longer initiate. If she wants me, she has to ask for it.


What are your thoughts?

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Are you doing it because you genuinely have switched ideas and you're happy with the FWB status - or because you want to teach her a lesson, and make her want you in a more 'keeper' sense??


In short - why?

Why the 'sudden' change of heart?

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Are you doing it because you genuinely have switched ideas and you're happy with the FWB status - or because you want to teach her a lesson, and make her want you in a more 'keeper' sense??


In short - why?

Why the 'sudden' change of heart?

I agree,does she make you happy?I had a fwb back in high school,I didn't like it at all,the guy was my boyfriend for 5 months,we have knowen each other all through out elementry school,but decided we were just better off as friends.

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Are you doing it because you genuinely have switched ideas and you're happy with the FWB status - or because you want to teach her a lesson, and make her want you in a more 'keeper' sense??


In short - why?

Why the 'sudden' change of heart?


I think the answer is a bit of both. Part of me wants to see what will happen if I keep distant, which will no doubt provoke some interesting responses from her, but I also feel that FWB is the direction that were heading in, and here's the list of reasons why:


1. She wants to remain unattached

2. We only see each other once a week for sex and intimacy.

3. She doesn't want any money spent on her, which she has said a few times, so she doesn't want to go anywhere.

4. The texting became distant a couple of days ago. I know it's only been a couple of days, so lets see where this goes.


So with all that said, I'm thinking FWB is on her mind. I will not text her anymore unless she texts me wanting me to come round or we talk about something interesting. It's a daunting idea, because my feelings have been very strong for her.

Edited by Dangraystyle
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Looking back at my texts, I just noticed the drop off point, where she becomes distant.


I went on a long weekend out clubbing and just come back really late. I got really drunk and slept in a hotel.


Anyway we were texting and I sent her this about being drunk and dancing:


"Yeah but all anxiety 100% gone. Not a single care. I remember just talking to one of the girls for ages. It's amazing how the conversation just flows. It's like my brain doesn't even need to think. I don't know why I'm describing the obvious effects of alcohol haha"


My friends seem to think the bolded has made her jealous and paranoid.


What do you think? Maybe it was a bit tactless of me, but ive done nothing wrong.

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My friends seem to think the bolded has made her jealous and paranoid.


What do you think? Maybe it was a bit tactless of me, but ive done nothing wrong.


Do me a favor, google "Narcissistic Personality Disorder"


The fact that you said "we should become **** buddies for a few weeks before i say goodbye"

You are scum of the earth. Dump her. She deserves better than you. Instead of working on your relationship and yourself, you act more like a dick.

Edited by pbjbear
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