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he implies he wants another woman


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i have been seeing a guy for five weekends straight. i am 40yo, he is 13 years my junior. this past weekend he saw a young woman standing on the corner of a street and made a comment, "the lone injured sheep has strayed from the flock and it is time to pounce". it is still affecting me. initial reactions??

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imply that you are interested in other man/men, turn the tables see how he feels, idk, but a young girl seriously wanting a man old enough to be her father is a bit over-optimistic, i think your guy doesn't want committment, or wants to play sadistic head-games, just do not fall in love with him, date others to stop focusing on him and him alone, my two cents

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Don't get too emotionally attached for the time being to avoid disappointment, guys in their 20s are unpredictable little beasts. Too many hormones. Animal instinct kicks in occasionally, sometimes constantly. If he wants commitment with you that may be another story.

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