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Is this the way it should be?

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Hey, I'm new to the forum so sorry if this is in the wrong place or whatever.


I've been getting annoyed a lot with my girlfriend lately. Although there have been problems I've had almost since we first started going out (which was almost three months ago). You see, her best friend is a guy, so naturally they talk to each other a lot, do stuff with each other on weekends etc. She says that it's just like he is a girl (and I guess he is a bit eccentric if you know what i mean). But I still get jealous when I see them together and they get quite close with each other. She's also someone who flirts a little bit with a lot of guys, and I might talk to her after she's been talking to another one of her good friends (also a guy) and she would tell me how exciting it was seeing him and talking to him. I really couldn't care less, and it makes me angry and frustrated at the fact that she doesn't seem that excited and happy when she's talking to me. I've talked to her about how I feel about it, and she just says that "If I wanted to go out with them, I would be going out with them." I constantly remind myself that she is infact with me, but the anger just comes back when similar things happen again.


Now this weekend, it's two of my friends birthday, and we are going to go away on the saturday night, I invited my girlfriend along, but as always she can't come because she says her parents won't let her or something of the like. Her parents are going away for friday and saturday night, and it'll just be her and her sister (who's 17). I told her that I wanted to see her this weekend and she said ok, and that I could come round. She also invited her bestfriend around on saturday night, the night I was going away, which was alright with me because I could see her on the friday. But then he told her that he was busy on saturday night, so she invited him round on friday, to re-dye her hair. I was mighty pissed off about this because I hardly ever get to see her out of school and we don't often get time alone. Since her parents are away, they'll be drinking, and I usually trust her not to cheat on me, but when they're both drunk, I don't know what to think. It seems like she'd rather spend time with half her other friends than she would with me, and when I bring it up, we talk a bit about it, but it just ends up as an argument, and that's no fun.


Do you guys have any advice or anything?

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Dump her. She does not respect. As long as you keep hanging around "talking" to her about your insecurities she will continue to treat you this way. Bottom line, when a woman has the RIGHT feelings for a man she will treat him with the respect he deserves. It sounds to me that you like her more than she likes you. She is treating you like one of her friends and you are treating her like the girlfriend she is supposed to be.


For more on how to handle this situation check out DocLove.com.

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