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Moving on after the fact

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So back in Oct I had a bit of an issue with my gf and her ex.... Story below





It's been 4-5 months now since then and she's no longer at college and no longer in the same state as the guy. She's now living with her parents, and well as for me I dunno. I decided to give her another chance but I just can't seem to let go of what happened, I still get really angry about it, she's apologized a lot and is trying to patch things up but well... I just find it difficult trusting a word she says.


I do love this girl and I want to move forward but everything about it just keeps itching away at me. The questions I'll never know the answers to : did she sleep with him? Can I trust her not to do it again? I guess I just need advice, how do you let go of this stuff?

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Why put yourself though all this pain and drama? It's ridicules. She lied to you, disrespected you, and probably screwed her ex while you two were a couple. Just end it with her. Get out and play with some other girls. Have no contact with her for a month or so and you will wonder why you ever put up with her crap in the first place.

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You have a choice to either put it in the past and move forward, which will leave you open to the risk of it happening again....or move on without her. I would move on. What you are feeling now is a great deal of resentment and rightfully so. Maybe you were just meant to be friends with her.

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Thanks for the replies, and yeah it is kinda resentment. I just really want the truth from her about what happened but I know she'll never give it to me... I mean I would contact the guy but then if I'm going to that trouble then what's the point in being with her?


I guess the reason I'm giving her a chance is partially because I don't know what happened and partially because I cheated myself once ( in a past relationship not this one) and have changed the way I was because I saw the hurt it caused. I guess it's some lame hope she'll see what it's done to me and really change...

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I sorry she was banging this dude every way they could think of as many times as they could when you went away.


She cheated then lied to you to get money for her to give to him. This girl has shown you ni respect. You are to dump her today.

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