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I've been recently hanging out with a guy for a few months. He always asks me when I'm free to come over. We flirt quite a lot when we are around each other in public. No one knows we hang out as I'm a very private person. We've kissed and cuddled. The last time we saw each other we started touching each other. But we didn't have sex. Recently his come out with some very strange comments. I went on a date and told a friend who wasn't mean to say anything but he told him. . He asked me how my date was, what he looked like, age and race. He asked if I was going to see him again and I said no. The last few times I've spoken to him he keeps asking me if I've been on anymore dates. Last week he did the most strangest thing. He knew I was going out and asked where I was going so he could join me. He asked me if I fancied going on a date the next day as I was out with my friends. When he saw me he asked me if I'd pulled anyone? I don't get why his asking this? He then mentioned his ex rang him on the night and I suggested to him that he should get back with her as there seems to be some feelings still there. He said no I've been there once I don't go back! He started complimenting me about my looks and body. He saw he talking to a guy who asked me out and he made a cheeky comment saying hows big phil? I just smiled and said you can ask him yourself next time.I'm very confused by what his saying. Have you been on anymore dates? Wanna go on a date? Did you pull? When he texts he uses the word love quite alot. When he spends time with me. Because of this confusing behavior I've kept my distance and not hangout with him. Pls what's happening in this mans head? He said he doesn't want a relationship.

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ah ha... to me it sounds like he wants to have his cake and eat it too. He doesn't want to be in a relationship with you. However, he doesn't want you to be with anyone else either. He feels like he can eventually come to you with a relationship proposal at any time and you will accept him with open and loving arms. He wants you to be on standby while he chases after other women or tries to resolve things with his ex... all the while he doesn't want you meeting new guys or going on dates. This is very bizare behavior, and is not normal. This shows that not only is he kind of a player, but that he has jealousy issues as well as controling/clingy issues. You two are not even dating. He has not right to quiz you on all of these things. Hoesntly, I would tell him that you two are not dating so he has no right to inquire so frequently and foricibly about who you are dating. If he cannot agree to that then tell you two are no longer speaking until he can respect your privacy.

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I think you might be right. He can't admit that is having a change of heart towards me. I feel that I can't talk to him without him feeling he has the upper hand and that's why I've kept by distance. When we are togethèr this very caring. He'll tell me that he cares for me deeply and wouldn't spend time with me otherwise. But those lines don't work on me. It's quite sad that his still playing games. His use to dating unstable character where as I'm the total opposite. Can you really be this confused about your feelings?

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