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I recently recieved an e-mail from my ex-boyfriend...we borke up only last month. He thought we broke up nicely, but when he called me a few days later he realized that I felt otherwise. His b-day was Aug. 28th, and I suspect he assumed that I would call and at least say something. I didn't, and on the 30th there was the CRUELEST e-mail ever waiting for me..e-mailing is pretty cowardly of him, but I think he may have said some thing just to get a reaction from me, but I can't be too sure. Either way, I told him never to e-mail me and waste my time again.


In the e-mail, he said he's been sexing other girls the entire time we were together (14 months), he apologized for saying i love you when he apparently hadn't meant it at all, said he went to nightclubs all the time and didn't really give a damn about me, said he knew that deep down I need him but I know he's got "better chicks than me for days"...I have a feeling this is his way of trying to get me to call, so we can talk calmy and we'd be on level fields (because the last couple of times we spoke, I was doing all the bitching). Was it just a cruel way to get my attention, or do you think that he could have possible done all this and now wanted to let me know because he figured, in his own words, "it's better coming from him than from someone else"?


Please let me know what you think. Thanks.

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I think he's just a jerk that is p*ssed off because you did not call him on his b-day. Whether he did do those things or not only he knows and you if you ever got a feeling, but obviously he is not worth it.

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He sounds like now he is misrable and he was expecting that you will have an excuse to call since it was his b-day, but since you didn't he was mad and by getting back at you he said what he said. You will never know the truth unless you start searching, but if you don't see yourself going back to him, don't even waste your time. Ignore his calls and emails and evenutally he'll stop. That is if he has some pride.

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