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What happens when you die?

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Originally posted by kooky



You are such an incredible cynic!!


(OK, I did laugh :laugh: I don´t know anybody who´s dead, so it sounds funny, otherwise, who knows.... :eek: )



I'm glad you got a chuckle from it :) I intended it as satire. No disrespect is intended to the dead, dying, or next of kin of any of the former. If any dead people are offended, they can bite me.

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Yeah, YOUR BODY DIES, not you spirit or soul. I feel we are all made of something else. One question for you, what would you say to someone who dies and has an afterlife experience? Someone who gives proof of it? I heard of a guy who died on the operation table after a major car crash. He mentioned his heaven, but before that, he also managed to accuratley describe a conversation b/t two doctors on the other side of the wing in the hospital! The doctors freaked out when this man who was on the other side of the wing was able to recall a conversation word by word of these doctors! How do you explain that? This guy was clinically dead for 7 minutes...you can't say it's your brain dying either b/c his brain was dead. Luckily now, he has no brain damage. As far as cloning goes, that's not a way to bring one particular soul back. Physically that person is a part of your body, but a clone is a reg person. It's a baby that is exactly like you physically, when it becomes an adult, it may be very different from you personality wise. It's a human being like you. You are right there! I think cloning is good for people who can't have children. If I had the money, and I couldn't have kids, I would clone myself and my husband. But that's just me. I guess they can clone organs, that works for people who need new ones. I haven't heard about that yet. That would be great! I hate those people who think a fully cloned person's greatest offer in life is to take organs from him/her and make observations. It is a human like us. I would be pissed if I was born and people kept using me and inspecting me!

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actually that's only what happens if you are burried Pap, if you're incinerated it's a whole other story altogether! ;)

I think we all know what happens to our physical bodies when we die...it's everything else that the concern is for...

Out of body experiances and reincarnation are completely real in my opinion, I only "know" this because of the research that I have done and the cases I have read of many many different people and their experiances. the most astounding of these in my opinion are those of young children recalling past lives with great detail, detail they could not possibly have learned/known since their most recent "birth", cases where children have begun speaking in ancient dialects that have since not been spoken in centuries, etc. as well as hundreds of cases like katie mentioned where people had near death experiances and then "came back" to life only to change wills and even change doctors because of things they had "heard" when they were supposedly "dead". Doctors won't even speak in front of comatose, anesthetized, or recently deceased patients about things that they wouldn't want them to hear--just in case. Again, I would like to mention my incredibly talented and amazingly brilliant comparative religions teacher who worked with a relatively famous scientist named David Bohm exploring this very kind of phenomenon. When you hear a man with multiple doctorates and degrees tell you with all of the conviction in his well knowledged and well travelled heart, that there is "something", even as a cynic that is hard to discount. Papi and Kevin if only you'd been there! ;)

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Consider the following incident that happened to me once. Back in varsity, I accidentily consumed three or four marijuana choc-chip cookies (they were yummy, too).


Anyway, we were at a friend's digs, and I (blotto by this time), kept hearing this swish-swish, swish-swish sound. I was the only one who could hear the damn swishing sound, and it was bugging the hell out of me. It sounded like someone polishing his/her shoes.


So, following the sound, I went to the house next door, and knocked on the door to investigate. I asked the guy who answered that if he was polishing his shoes, he must please stop because it was bugging the crap outta me.


The guy was like "HOW THE F*CK DID YOU KNOW?!?!?!?!?". He was polishing his shoes....



Point is, the cannabis messed with the normal filtering mechanisms of my brain so that I was able to hear the sound through four sets of walls, 45 feet away... Our brains are bombarded by a tsunami of stimuli every second, and without this filtering effect of our basal nuclei, we'd go insane.


So you see, there's a rational explanatation for everything. Even "out of body" experiences....

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which i would rather not get into concerning abortion and the development of fetal consciousness...

I only cut and paste this little part just to give you a taste of what I was referring to in my previous posts. I would highly recommend doing independent research on the subject however if you are interested.

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your smoking marijuana does not explain all paranormal experiance, and certianly does not have ANYTHING to do with an out of body experiance or near death experiance...it has everything to do however with an increase in your hearing ability and sensitivity to auditory stimuli...ethnogens will do that to ya... ;)

I can hear you from here when I'm high! :D

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"The primary effects of marijuana are behavioral, because the drug affects the central nervous system (CNS). Popular use of marijuana has arisen from its effects of euphoria, sense of relaxation, increased visual,

auditory, and taste perceptions"

This still doesn't explain it to me, but i'm sure that you don't want to hear me tell you that it sounds like you have some sort of extrasensory abilities that were faciliatated through your more "open" state of mind due to the use of marijuana, so I won't tell you. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe that our life, our soul, our spirit energy is timeless. It lives on long after our human body dies.


I believe that the human experience is the first "aware of self" experience in the cycle.


I believe that the rules GOD has set for us in this human life is the toughest to pass. Simple because we are species that feels, sees, and has emotion. And if we can pass this test we move on to the next phase of our awareness.


With that said, i believe if we dont pass the first test, we return to try again (reincarnation?).


I believe in GOD and that he sent Jesus her to die for our sins because GOD knew from the beginning that humans could not be like HIM, because only HE is perfect. Sin and being human go hand in hand....but if we can get it right after a few trys, i believe we will go to heaven.


NOW what is heaven?.....tuff questions....we just dont know. But I think that heaven is a series of life experiences after the human one.......and when we make it thru all of them....we will become like GOD....


aahhh....shoot, this is too deep.....pass me a beer.... :laugh:

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Originally posted by ThumbingMyWay

I believe that our life, our soul, our spirit energy is timeless. It lives on long after our human body dies.


I believe that the human experience is the first "aware of self" experience in the cycle.


I believe that the rules GOD has set for us in this human life is the toughest to pass. Simple because we are species that feels, sees, and has emotion. And if we can pass this test we move on to the next phase of our awareness.


With that said, i believe if we dont pass the first test, we return to try again (reincarnation?).


Sounds to me like your taking about Hinduism, you really should read up on it. I had a few Hindu friends at uni and thats almost exactly what they believe, except you can come back as an animal. Thats why most of them are vegetarian, remember that next time your eat at Macy Dees. :p

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Originally posted by Aonz

Sounds to me like your taking about Hinduism, you really should read up on it. I had a few Hindu friends at uni and thats almost exactly what they believe, except you can come back as an animal. Thats why most of them are vegetarian, remember that next time your eat at Macy Dees. :p


Interesting...I knew that some of my beliefs were not your "standard" christian thought.....but its what I have derived from long time thought about this subject....


your spirit energy is very powerfull.....this is something that I am just discovering....and i cant wait to see were it takes me.

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Originally posted by loveregardless

"The primary effects of marijuana are behavioral, because the drug affects the central nervous system (CNS). Popular use of marijuana has arisen from its effects of euphoria, sense of relaxation, increased visual,

auditory, and taste perceptions"

This still doesn't explain it to me, but i'm sure that you don't want to hear me tell you that it sounds like you have some sort of extrasensory abilities that were faciliatated through your more "open" state of mind due to the use of marijuana, so I won't tell you. :D



Hmm, I don't think that's the case, because I could stop out the sound if I stuck my fingers in my ears... it was most definitely auditory conductive perception.

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I have a question. If God created the universe, what was he doing before that? Who created him? How long has he been around for? I know that no one knows the correct answer to this, but I would like to know what's your intake on this.

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God did not create the sun til the -oh shoot I'm bad- 3rd or 4th day- therefore days/time as we know it was immeasurable- the days were eternal- just like God. Therefore- he was always creating Heaven and the Universe- there was no before- it was an ongoing project if you will.


Nobody created God- He was the origional Big Bang if you want to look at it in an evolution/time standpoint.

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I've been taught that God has always been around. He's Omnipotent, and Omnipresent. He's the beginning and the end. So noone created Him. He's always been there. According to those who taught me.


As for what He did before we came along. He created the angels as to not be alone. I'm not sure how some of the angels decided or were allowed to do their own thing, but that's where Satan came from.

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Originally posted by Moose

As for what He did before we came along. He created the angels as to not be alone. I'm not sure how some of the angels decided or were allowed to do their own thing, but that's where Satan came from.


What was he doing before he created the angels? All of this is what really gets me thinking. How could he just have been here forever and one day said, "I am going to create a woman and a man". It seems weird to me.

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From what I understand, God stayed very entertained with creating the universe. There is life out there other than the life here on earth. The reason I say that is because angels are actual beings. They occupy space. There are also LEGIONS of them all over the universe. So I'm sure He was always busy with them.


It states in the bible when Jesus ascended into heaven that there are other, "Sheep", and I've always believed that those sheep are different types of life forms. I know where your mind is going and everyone has always wondered about it. I guess that's why it's called,"The great mystery".

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An all-powerful being that needed entertainment? :rolleyes: Just another anthropomorphism from the mind of an anthrope.


No wonder god didn't answer my prayers for a Playstation 2, he was keeping it for himself :mad::p

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Pap, don't confuse entertainment with just playing around, it's just another word for, "busy", just like your, "Anthrope" and, "anthropomorphism", are also, "Human" and, "Humanism".......such big words for a little boy.............. :rolleyes:

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I'm sorry that you feel resentment at my superior application of what isn't my mother tongue, and what is yours.

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