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Why is it hard to get a girl?

Sun Devil

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I saw three short dudes walking with attractive girls today on my way home and I was walking alone and stand at 6'5





Maybe I missed it but has the OP posted up a pic of himself along with a short bio? Like what you might put in a dating profile?


Being very short as a man is definitely is a strike, like being a fat chick, but still I see tons of short guys and fat chicks married with kids so it's not like it's impossible for them to get laid...


I'm thinking that the OP is trying too hard, coming on too strong/too focused. Ironically, you have to be laid back and appear loose, comfortable talking to women, like you don't give a **** if they like you or not before they'll view you as boyfriend material.

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Maybe I missed it but has the OP posted up a pic of himself along with a short bio? Like what you might put in a dating profile?


Being very short as a man is definitely is a strike, like being a fat chick, but still I see tons of short guys and fat chicks married with kids so it's not like it's impossible for them to get laid...


I'm thinking that the OP is trying too hard, coming on too strong/too focused. Ironically, you have to be laid back and appear loose, comfortable talking to women, like you don't give a **** if they like you or not before they'll view you as boyfriend material.



I see short guys everyday with a girl so that ha always been a weak excuse

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You have to accept the lack of a romantic connection with these women you approach. Sometimes women don't look past the surface, so if you are more of an introvert it will be hard to pull in the usual way. If it is any consolation to you, in the past when I asked women to go out with me , some of them were so horrified at the thought that they started crying. And, yes, it does not get better as you get older!!

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Maybe I missed it but has the OP posted up a pic of himself along with a short bio? Like what you might put in a dating profile?


Being very short as a man is definitely is a strike, like being a fat chick, but still I see tons of short guys and fat chicks married with kids so it's not like it's impossible for them to get laid...


I'm thinking that the OP is trying too hard, coming on too strong/too focused. Ironically, you have to be laid back and appear loose, comfortable talking to women, like you don't give a **** if they like you or not before they'll view you as boyfriend material.


First, don't compare short and fat. Two different things (one is completely under the person's control. The other isn't.)


Second, he is not a normal "short guy." A normal short guy would be anywhere from 5'4-5'7. This guy is 5'0. I believe he has trouble solely because of his height.


At 5'5, I have enough problems not getting rejected because of my height. I can't imagine being THAT short.

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I saw three short dudes walking with attractive girls today on my way home and I was walking alone and stand at 6'5





Everyone is short to you. A short guy to you is probably someone that's actually average height.

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Why is it that loser guys who do drugs get girls yet ambitious guys like me cannot? I don't understand what am I doing wrong


Doing it 'right' is part of your 'problem'. Those 'loser' guys put a lot of time and energy into 'getting girls' and 'being with girls' simply because they're not in '3 clubs and 2 fraternities' and don't 'have an active lifestyle and several interesting hobbies'. Their hobby is girls and they enjoy it thoroughly and are very skilled at it due to long experience, along with whatever else contributes to their 'loser' status.


At the end of the road, where do you want to be? Right now that might seem like a long ways off but, looking back, it's pretty clear that your current apparent focus, even if the current byproduct is having a hard time getting girls, is the healthier one for *you*. The girls who avoid you, reject you or otherwise view you as invisible are not on your life path. Don't try to drag them onto your path. That's fruitless. If you feel your path is healthy, walk it. Don't jump to theirs because you think it will be better for you to walk next to them at the cost of losing sight of your own path.


What some other posters mention is valid.


Most importantly IMO, in the monetary/job status area, have a 'quantifiable' good job, one which is widely recognized as being 'good' and where you can be presumed to make 'good money'. That helps a lot. It won't generally cause a woman to be attracted to you, but rather prevent her from feeling doubt or disincentive due to uncertainty, meaning 'lose attraction'.


You mentioned male friends and that you make easy friends with men. That's good. How about women? Do you enjoy women outside of dating/mating situations? Make easy friends with women and retain that status without it slipping into romantic feelings? IMO, the more successful you are at forming and maintaining interpersonal relationships in general, the more likely you will be able to succeed when an opportunity for romance comes your way. For now, work on that part and continue your life path, graduate and get some solo life experience. Foundation. Good luck.

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If you're 5 feet tall like stated above, that's the issue. Shorter guys have a harder time finding partners. Girls like feeling protected. For me personally, I couldn't date a guy who was 5 feet tall. I'm 5'5 and I enjoy wearing heels. In shoes I'm about 5'9. I couldn't date someone who wasn't at least 5'10. I would feel extremely weird towering over a guy.

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