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I have no clue why but,i like to touch feet and message feet and affraid to tell ne one is this normal,bad or is it gana ruin my life forever i just like being around feet

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You are in a very large club of foot fetish fanatics! Congratulation for your admiration of one of Gods most beautiful creations! You have nothing to be ashamed of my friend.


I too love to give foot massages. I find that handy in helping keep my lady satisfied!

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OH see, I'm almost the complete opposite. I love my own feet, and don't mind rubbing my feet together with my Bf's when we're under the covers and in bed with each other.. but any other time.. I HATE THEM.


I must have a slight foot phobia or something. :p


~BurningBright :p

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Originally posted by BurningBright

OH see, I'm almost the complete opposite. I love my own feet, and don't mind rubbing my feet together with my Bf's when we're under the covers and in bed with each other.. but any other time.. I HATE THEM.


I must have a slight foot phobia or something. :p


Rubbing feet together under the covers... Hey, that sounds nice! But don't hate your feet. You are going to need them for power shopping during Christmas season which is coming up right around the corner! Then after you’ve been through all the malls and your precious feet are sore, you can get your bf to knead them for you.

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Rubbing feet together under the covers... Hey, that sounds nice! But don't hate your feet. You are going to need them for power shopping during Christmas season which is coming up right around the corner! Then after you’ve been through all the malls and your precious feet are sore, you can get your bf to knead them for you.


Oh know... I LOVE my own feet, and will let very special Bf's (like my bf right now) give them a nice rub down.. but I won't touch others feet with my hands or anything {Unless they are extremely special to me, and they have had a terribly hard day.. then I will possibly rub them down for a bit :o (if they request it :p )}

(sorry for not clarifying that a little more in my first post)


The rubbing the feet under the covers I can handle.. but anything else (Ie. foot massage for my partner).. they have to pretty much beg for one. lol It's just one of those things. :laugh:


Oh and the whole sucking on toes thing.... I don't think I could ever do that :sick: .... but you never know. I am improving. lol :D


But yes, I must admit, the rubbing feet together under the covers is very nice :love:


~BurningBright :p

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other than that I can't remember a time when I actually had an opinion about feet. I love baby feet!

My sister hates feet, she will actually get really upset if you even show her your feet. She's really weird... :p

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Ok, this is a weird topic, but speaking of feet, we let our cockatiel fly around the house, when he lands on the couch, he'll crawl all the way to our feet and then stand there talk to them. It's weird!!! I just think it's the shape of our feet that facinates him......

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I hate feet. Always have, always will. Cover 'em up. Especially if they're funky feets. I have a bad habit of staring at peoples feet, like they are going to jump up and bite me. Feet are nasty. I work for a foot doctor and if you saw what we saw....ewwww. :sick: Of course, privates are pretty nasty too and we manage to like them, eh?

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he'll crawl all the way to our feet and then stand there talk to them.


:laugh: Lol I like that.


I think feet are nice. I used to give my friend foot massages when we had slumber parties:p.

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