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Just Wondering Why I Loss My Friend

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I have resolved this but I wanted another point of view. I met a person we became the best of friends. We shared everything with each other. we had everything in common. we talked for hours texted everyday. we spent the day together several months ago. We had sex and some really personal conversations. a few week later i realized i had strong feelings for him and as time went on it grew into more.


I for some reason felt embarrassed and stopped communicating as much. He also stopped talking not answering text messages for days not calling. Recently asked him what happened to our friendship which was so important. its like we both pushed backed off. He would text once a week or call a few times a month but nothing like what it use to be.


He said he just subliminally stopped talking. It may be a defense mechanism he said. He said by me disappearing it was so i could protect my feelings. that being the case didn't he do he do the same? we would speak sometimes after that night months ago. I thought we were ok then he would disappear again for several days. we would talk and he would do i again not responding text or returning calls.


After 4months of hiding my feelings i told him how i really felt, He said he already knew and it crossed his mind. I had avoided him on and off. I couldn't hide it anymore. He told me the feelings were mutual that he cared alot. He told me I was very important go him, he liked me alot, he said he was ok with my feelings for him and had love for me always. He said he wasn't good with speaking on his feelings. He said he wanted to see me again but he would never make plans or let me come there. Its like he was afraid to see me. I told him i missed him sometimes he said he missed me too really missed me.


I tried hard to mend our friendship by assuring him he didn't have to feel the same feelings i just wanted things back the way they use to be. I was really hurt when he disappeared recently. he told me due to work he was depressed also and had personal issues but I was still his friend.


I miss my friend and would do anything to just remove what happened. Since i couldn't fix this mess i decided to just stop trying to be friends thats ship has sailed. i went cold turkey and just stopped calling and texing and asking why we couldn't just talk. He would not answer anyway. I was really hurt i loss a great friend and i had to accept it made a mistake i had to get over it. I decided if he reappears like he always does every so often it is best to not respond. I want my friend back nothing more and he gone.


what do you think? Why did he ignore me or refuse to let me see him? Please keep in mind this is not a current situation. I am currently dating. I ran across this site. I saw some responses to other post and just wanted another point of view.

Edited by Carebear25
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