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do you think he is into me? be honest.

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basically i did not know him before class started.. 3 weeks ago, the first day of class, this guy comes in and sits right next to me, even though there were many other seats open.. it takes him like 5 minutes to strike up a conversation, but he does.. ever since then, he has been sitting next to me.. he is nice.. he doesn't really flirt (at least i don't think so).. but i have always found it bizzare how he sat right next to me the first day of class without knowing me.. everyone else who was in the class at the time, were scattered.. no one was sitting next to each other.. the class did not start for 15 mins.. anyways a few days ago he asked me if i would ever want to get dinner or something outside of class.. i said yes and then we exchanged numbers.. today in class he asked me if i can do dinner tonight.. i went to dinner with him at the dining hall in our college. i cant tell if he likes me. he was being nice, but he was not really complimenting me. is it possible he only likes me as a friend? considering all the details i gave you...


on a side note, why do you think he sat right next to me the first day of class when there were hundreds of seats open? we did not know each other.


he is not new to the college. he is a junior and has friends. i am a sophomore. so i don't think he sat next to me to make a friend.


also, he never texts me unless we are making plans. but in person, he wants to know all about me.


so do you think he is into me? or does he just want to be friends? or is he just using me for sex? how do you know?


we have not kissed or hugged yet.


i have been told i am pretty.. but i don't dress in revealing clothes.. i am modest and i act it too.

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He is interested, but isn't very forward about it because he either doesn't know how to flirt or sexually escalate or because he wants to take things slow. The first is way more likely. If you're interested, help him and initiate some flirting and take things to a physical level. Or ask him outright, but make sure you do it tactfully and ensure he's comfortable, or he might panic and do something stupid.



Guys don't make friends with girls they don't find attractive or at the very least want to explore something sexual with. It just doesn't happen.

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