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LoveShack Folks,


I'm going to be as concise and brief as possible here with my ongoing dilemma. Please tell me what you think I should do...or what you would do if you were me.


1. Married 13.5 years

2. I'm 39 she's 38

3. 2 elementary school-age kids

4. I make a good living, am in shape and at least semi-attractive and a very attentive lover

5. She is a good Mom and a good partner

6. Sex life sucks and has since we got engaged both in frequency...creativity and passion

7. She struggles with mental and physical health issues that come and go...has since we got engaged

8. I have a ton of sexual energy, she has little to none

9. Because of this dichotomy...I'm lonely

10. I was a big drinker and gave it up about a year ago...the drinking helped bury this loneliness

11. I feel like the kid at the end of the street who desperately wants to play but nobody is available or wants to play with me

12. I have a constant nagging feeling of dissatisfaction in my relationship...mainly because I know there are other women out there that would be a much better match for me and would bring sexual energy to the table on a daily basis

13. I'm dying inside...


Truth be told...I love her very much and can't stand the thought of divorce...mainly because of the kids. If the kids weren't there...I'd divorce immediately. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. If I divorce...I'm selfish...putting my needs/wants before everyone else's. If I don't divorce...I'm not really living.




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There can be a number of causes in your wife's dis-interest in sex. The first and foremost believe it or not? Is simply the difference in the way men's and women's brains are wired.


Men are by definition of being men ~ laden with testerone.


Its found more in men than in women ~ but wome have it too. Just as men have the estrogen hormone in them. But its the testerone horone that dirves the sex drive in both men and women.


Men are visual ~ in that it doesn't take much more than seeing whatever "vusual" to them to get their engines ta running!


Women are ~ by virture of being women ~ thier brains don't quite work the same way as a man's does?


For a man to have sex? Or to become sexually aroused? About all it takes for them to do so is for them to see their wives come out of the shower with nothing more than a bath robe and towel in their hair?


For a woman to become aroused?


Well first she's got to go through the list?


Are the kids bathed, clean, in their PJ's?


Did Susy do her homework?


Is the house clean?


What does my Mother-In-Law, Sister-In-Law, Next door neighbor, Mother, Sister, Aunt, Brother-In-Law, Father, Father-In-Law, etc______________________ think about the curtains, the drapes, the bedspread, the sheets, the.............................


Did Rickey do his homework? What will the teacher's aide think! What will the teacher think? Should I make brownies for Suzy's Girl Scout meeting? Did I use too much bleach in the wash? Did I forget to balance the checkbook? Oh S**t! I forgot to,___________________,_____________ and ___________________.'


Get past that and you've got!


Am I too fat? Is my azz looking or getting too big! I can't wear this that or the other! My boobs are sagging and don't look like the did when I was 15!


If you want to get laid come Sunday?


Start working on it on Monday! ;)

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Sounds like a mid-life crisis. Buy a Harley Davidson. I recommend a Road King.


Alice get back in the Dinner and quit telling people to kiss your Grits! :p

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