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Am I a glorified booty call?


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So been seeing this guy for three months... We go out on nice dates, planned in advance, talk or text everyday, aren't engaging in intercourse but have done everything else.


But we only see each other once a week at the most. Don't do stuff during the day... So a guy friend if mine said he's getting action and that's all he wants and it's casual at most.


I'm so confused?!!! Am I just a booty call? Or a casual fling. I'm looking for something more serious....

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Feelin Frisky

It's hard to say from what you said. You'll have to approach him. But I would say if you're not having intercourse why would you think you're a booty call. Booty call is the same thing as f-buddy--someone you turn to strictly because you both want sex and can have it without complications for the most part. You may be a legitimate "love interest" is he enjoys your company and wants to keep seeing you even if you don't put out. Have the "talk" with him.

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It's hard to say from what you said. You'll have to approach him. But I would say if you're not having intercourse why would you think you're a booty call. Booty call is the same thing as f-buddy--someone you turn to strictly because you both want sex and can have it without complications for the most part. You may be a legitimate "love interest" is he enjoys your company and wants to keep seeing you even if you don't put out. Have the "talk" with him.


We're not having intercourse but do engage in oral sex. So he is getting action... Not too sure if that counts....

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Eternal Sunshine

3 months is a long time, he should have escalated things by now. I don't think he is that interested in getting to know you better. He doesn't seem to make an effort to spend more time together. It looks like you are casually dating.


I would talk to him and ask him what he thinks/feels. No use in burying your head in the sand and wasting more time....

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You're a really bad booty call basically without sex...but yeah there's nothing to be confused about, he's not all that interested and just going with it for whatever reason..which doesn't matter honestly.


I don't see him making much of an effort in terms of time...time is a mans most valuable commodity, especially if he makes good money, then money is negligible or just easier to replace.


He likely has another girl(s) on the side, or if he's not too suave then probably a girlfriend/wife, something that he can't pull away from often enough to invest more time.


This behavior sounds typical of that setup.

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I wouldn't even consider this dating.


Seeing a guy once a week so he can get some head doesn't constitute dating. Especially if you're not doing things during the day, you see him once a week...


Have you met his family? Friends? Three months IS enough time to see where things are heading and I frankly don't see this going anywhere. He tosses the bare minimum of crumbs at you to keep you hanging around.


If you're looking for something serious I'd walk away from this.

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