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its a lifestyle

My friend has come to stay with me in Cheshire for a while...


He usually lives in London, he's been having trouble with his girlfriend for a couple of months, he's in love with her and has been trying hard to work things out, but on Friday night she did something which has really messed his head up...


She called him on Friday night, he said she was laughing and joking and could hear lots of "muffling sounds" for a while, he said she seemed distracted, then basically it sounded like she was giving somebody a blowjob inbetween speaking, he asked what she was doing and she said nothing... he said the conversation went on and after a while she started moaning, he shouted wtf are you doing? she said "I'm getting F'd"... then her and the guy she was doing it with started laughing...


My friend stayed silent in shock for 10 seconds listening to her laugh and moan and then smashed his phone off the wall,

He called me straight away sounding VERY DANGEROUS...


My friend is not an idiot, he's a semi-pro boxer and knows some pretty dangerous people, he'd easily have access to guns, he kept on repeating to me on the phone.. "give me a reason not to kill her, give me a reason not to kill her"...


I managed to convince him to come up to Cheshire and stay here for a while, he's out right now having coffee with one of our girl-friends, he's really messed up..


What should I do? last night he sat with his head in his hands for 5 hours straight didn't move one single time, I could tell he was reliving the phone call over and over in his head...


What can I do? he's acting weird, different, traumatized... I've convinced him to stay here and even told him it can be permanent, we've got money, cars apartments etc etc he doesn't "need" to go back for anything, but I'm worried he's going to do something stupid

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Well, you did the right thing by having him come live with you.


I do not blame his current mindset. It was evil, and only a wicked evil for his whore of (x) gf to screw another Guy whilst he was on the phone with her. She is trash,no worse...belial


Belial - has no value whatsoever in this universe not even before God. Anyway...


Keep talking to him. What he experienced is details devastating. Be there. Be a friend. There are better things then a girl to kill right now. He is a semi-pro boxer. If he does something, don't kill them - just rough em up.


Trust me I wanted to kill the punk my ex cheated on me with. Then I just wanted to kick his sorry ass(which knowing Muay Thai I could),he knew it too, thus avoided me for months. Now I just don't care.


He'll hopefully calm down. Just be there..

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First off he should cut all contact with her. If he doesn't need to go back to London then you keep him there for as long as possible, but it only delays the inevitable at some point he'll have to go back home.


I do agree it is absolutely wicked and horrible what she did. Best thing to let him know not to ruin his life over someone who clearly doesn't give a f*ck abut him. Why go to jail or have a record over someone who would do something so callous and cruel?

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Well, at least he knows what happened, it doesn't get any more brutally honest than that. You need to convince him that she is trying to get him to do something stupid. There must be a reason for this.


The sweetest revenge for him would be to find a girl with class and act like what this whore did doesn't phase him. She will be disappointed that it didn't work, because that's what she wants.

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Well, at least he knows what happened, it doesn't get any more brutally honest than that. You need to convince him that she is trying to get him to do something stupid. There must be a reason for this.


The sweetest revenge for him would be to find a girl with class and act like what this whore did doesn't phase him. She will be disappointed that it didn't work, because that's what she wants.


Absolutely this. From what you say about him (and she would know him well) she's trying to get a reaction out of him. Most likely if he wasn't with you he would have gone straight over there or found her and did something stupid.


No woman is worth ruining your life over. Ego may hurt like a bitch, but it's better than being in jail and sorry.

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"give me a reason not to kill her, give me a reason not to kill her"...


25 to life. That should be a good reason. Here's some others:


- Many people in the world deserve severe punishment; you'll never punish enough to even scratch the surface, and you'll just burn out your own life in the process. The life of a good person is more valuable than the death of an evil person.


- He should be happy she showed him what a worthless cheater she is now, rather than later after they had kids / a marriage for her to destroy.


- Most objective people would rather be him than be the horrible immoral slut that his ex-GF is. Would he rather be himself, or someone that would do what she did?


- Odds are her life will really suck, and she'll be used, abused and discarded like the trash that she is.


- Revenge > murder. And here's the best revenge. Pick himself up, dust himself off, be awesome, find an awesome girl to be with, and then let her know what she missed out on and destroyed due to her own actions.


Why get upset over the actions of a whore? Convince him to let it go, that he's so much better off, and to not think anymore about the behavior of human trash.

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