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If your father is physically or verbally abusive and you are a minor under the age of 18, you should call the police or a social service agency for help. You are obviously headed in a direction that could cause you great pain in the future.


If you are 18 or over, you should start making plans to live away from your father and the abuse he obviously casts upon you.


Try to understand that your father obviously is under great stress, probably came from a very abusive and dysfunctional family, and probably does not have the insight to understand just how his behavior affects you. Of course, that doesn't make the situation any better but your father probably had to endure his father, who was probably twice as abusive as he is.


In any case, you should make an effort to clean up your written and oral language. For the same reason that you dislike your father, you should work extra hard not to pass on his bad traits, like filthy language, on to further generations.


Additionally, this kind of talk is against the terms of use of this forum and there are people present who do not want to be exposed to vulgarity. Many thanks for your cooperation.

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No no no, my father isn't physcially or verbally abusive it's just the things he does. It's like he doesn't even care about me. I'm 19. See it's like this, I have one brother and my parents shower him with love it seems like all the time.


Whenver my brother needs money or something they are at his feet showering him with money. Recently they gave him like $400, they built him a new house basically and other things. Well I am in a job that doesn't pay much, and a lot of my money goes towards other stuff.


Anyway I recently found something I wanted to purchase, but since I'm 19 I can't get credit. Basically 6 places I've applied for credit at turned me down since I don't have any credit history, since I've never had any credit ever.


The thing cost nearly $900 and like I said, who pays lump sum money for something that expensive. So I asked my parents if they could place it on their credit card and I'll pay them back.


My dad won't even listen to me, he completely shut it out not even knowing how this affects me. I mean I don't have friends, I don't have a girlfriend so material things is tthe one thing that makes me happy and even then I don't ask for much.


So knowing how bad I want this item, he won't even consider putting it on a credit card for me. I pointed out how he had done all this stuff for my brother and is unfair to me, but he basically tells me that I need to get 3 jobs to support myself.


So now I've had my laptop computer up for sell for the last 3 days hoping to get at least $850 so I can purchase this item. I don't want to sell my laptop, I treasure my laptop despite the fact I have a desktop. I don't want to sell it, and my parents don't care that I have it up for sell.


I don't know, sometimes I feel like I'm not loved or wanted. I mean everything I do is failure to them it seems like, they never support my hobbies nor my dream. My dream was to go to college and get a degree, but they didn't support that and therefore I can't go to college and can't get a scholarship or anything.


When my brother wanted to go to college, they paid every cent of it. They wouldn't even pay a dime for me to go to college, I even asked them to let me do a home college training and they denied it and now I wanted to go to a community college and they won't give me financial support.


My brother wanted a computer, they paid for it all. I wanted a computer, I had to buy it myself and still paying for it and they won't offer to help. My brother wanted a new house, they got a new house for free and my parents fixed it up like brand new and didn't make them pay hardly anything.


And then recently gave them a bunch of baby clothes, and money and stuff. Then I asked for them to just put this $900 item on their credit card so I can get it, denied. My dad won't even give me the chance to talk about it, I tried so hard to talk about it and ended up getting into a huge fight.


Every time I bring it up he walks out of the room bitching about it. I don't know what to do, how can I not feel left out of the family when they don't support me in any way?


My father isn't abusive in any way, nor is he stressed. He is basically self-centered and if it doesn't involve him then he doesn't care. Not stress, and in no way was his parents abusive to him nor did he come from a dysfunctional family.


I'm sorry about the original post.

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We all feel sorry for ourselves at times. This is one of those times for you. You or I could spend all day looking around at the things that other people have - that we don't have. We can also be jealous or envious of those people, their stuff and how they came about it. But it would not do either us a bit of good. It does not matter what other people have or how they got it.


The only thing that matters is what YOU want and how YOU are going to get it!


It's time for you to change the focus of your thoughts.


First, quit thinking about what your brother has and how he got it. Second, quit thinking about what you don't have. THESE ARE BOTH NEGATIVE THOUGHTS. Thinking this way will bring on depression and get you nowhere.


Starting today, begin looking at the things that you do have. Be thankful for those things, however few they may be. You may have a hard time doing this initially, negative patterns of thinking are hard to change. The first time you try this, you may not see much, if anything, to be thankful for, but keep trying. If you still can't find enough to be thankful for, try volunteering some time to an organization that helps needy people. That should be a humbling experience.


There is nothing wrong with wanting more than you have now or wanting to better yourself. As long as you look at it with a positive attitude, you'll have a chance to get that thing or be that person.


It's time to call off the pitty party and take your life into your own hands.

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I am sorry that you are going through so much pain. But that material object that you so desire won't bring you the happiness you think it will. You say you don't have friends and that this thing is the only thing that will bring you comfort. But a cold, hard material thing cannot provide the warmth, love, and acceptance that you need.


I suggest that you start cultivating some friends by doing nice things for people. You could also get a pet. These are live beings that can give and receive love, not some object that you have to depend on your father to help you buy. There are animals in the pound that people have abandoned and they are going to lose their lives because no one cares about them. Go to the pound and get an animal that will be thankful for saving its life.


We all feel sorry for ourselves at times. This is one of those times for you. You or I could spend all day looking around at the things that other people have - that we don't have. We can also be jealous or envious of those people, their stuff and how they came about it. But it would not do either us a bit of good. It does not matter what other people have or how they got it. The only thing that matters is what YOU want and how YOU are going to get it! It's time for you to change the focus of your thoughts. First, quit thinking about what your brother has and how he got it. Second, quit thinking about what you don't have. THESE ARE BOTH NEGATIVE THOUGHTS. Thinking this way will bring on depression and get you nowhere. Starting today, begin looking at the things that you do have. Be thankful for those things, however few they may be. You may have a hard time doing this initially, negative patterns of thinking are hard to change. The first time you try this, you may not see much, if anything, to be thankful for, but keep trying. If you still can't find enough to be thankful for, try volunteering some time to an organization that helps needy people. That should be a humbling experience. There is nothing wrong with wanting more than you have now or wanting to better yourself. As long as you look at it with a positive attitude, you'll have a chance to get that thing or be that person. It's time to call off the pitty party and take your life into your own hands.
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