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How do ask her?


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Well i started this job today and today was my first day. I met this girl and you know its one of those things where you get hit by the cupid right there and then. So far i only know her name. That is a bad start but i really like to know this girl and the problem is that when i am around someone i like i asct different. and i dont want to scare her away i actually wanna go out for like dinner or something? any one got any ideas on how i should work this thing out. Plus will the age scare her if i am oler then her or younger?

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Hey, you just started this job. Keep your cool. This lady isn't going anywhere. Give yourself a chance to get to know her a little bit. Asking her out very quickly is NOT a great strategy. That will tip your hand and show your cards. Say hello to her when you see her and, over time, find out more about her (including if she has a boyfriend or a husband).


In a few weeks, you should be well prepared to ask her to join you for lunch or dinner, if she's not committed to someone else.


The age difference should not matter, unless the spread is significant. That's not really an issue here and much as your desire to charge ahead so quickly. So if you really don't want to scare her, slow down a bit.


Chill out and control those hormones.

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If i were you, i'd wait to get to know this girl first. i mean, she might turn out to be lovely, she might turn out to be not so lovely. there's plenty of time yet. not to mention, she might already be spoken for - you'll have to find that one out before you jump into anything to avoid a possibly embarrassing situation for you.


just be yourself, like you would around anybody else. don't be afraid to talk to her. she's just a person like everyone else at your work. make general chit-chat, introduce yourself as the new guy, but don't go making any moves just yet. a guy who comes on too strong, too soon is a pretty big turn off for a girl.


as for the age difference? well, that would depend on exactly how big an age gap we're talking about and the maturity levels of the both of you. if you find you get along great and are on the same wavelength, age hopefully should not be an issue.


in other words, take your time to get to know her, her marital status, and then, if you like her and you feel comfortable enough to take it further, then do so. good luck!

Well i started this job today and today was my first day. I met this girl and you know its one of those things where you get hit by the cupid right there and then. So far i only know her name. That is a bad start but i really like to know this girl and the problem is that when i am around someone i like i asct different. and i dont want to scare her away i actually wanna go out for like dinner or something? any one got any ideas on how i should work this thing out. Plus will the age scare her if i am oler then her or younger?
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I'm not a big fan of getting involved with people from work, because that is where you make your money and your survival depends on it. If things go wrong, it can be weird seeing that person every day on the job. So, I'd be careful about dating her and wait a while to see if it really is something more than love at first sight for you.

If i were you, i'd wait to get to know this girl first. i mean, she might turn out to be lovely, she might turn out to be not so lovely. there's plenty of time yet. not to mention, she might already be spoken for - you'll have to find that one out before you jump into anything to avoid a possibly embarrassing situation for you. just be yourself, like you would around anybody else. don't be afraid to talk to her. she's just a person like everyone else at your work. make general chit-chat, introduce yourself as the new guy, but don't go making any moves just yet. a guy who comes on too strong, too soon is a pretty big turn off for a girl. as for the age difference? well, that would depend on exactly how big an age gap we're talking about and the maturity levels of the both of you. if you find you get along great and are on the same wavelength, age hopefully should not be an issue. in other words, take your time to get to know her, her marital status, and then, if you like her and you feel comfortable enough to take it further, then do so. good luck!
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