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Need help with a girl from school

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Ok, so theres this girl i like at school. Today was the fourth day of school, but I have known this girl since last year. Although she is in only one of my classes, we still talk alot. I'm 17, and she's 16. We haven't talked to each other all summer long, but the more i get to know her, the more i like her. I really like this girl but im unsure how to approach her, because I'm afraid I might come onto her too quickly, and scare her away. I have a few things to do before I ask her out, like get her phone number, email, and stuff like that, but I just dont want to scare her away by coming on too quickly. For starters, today and yesterday she said she was cold in class and that got me thinking to maybe if I bring in a shirt tomorrow morning if she doesnt bring her own, I can let her wear it all day, since the school stays cool pretty much all day. And when we get to know each other more and more, I have plans of going to a freight farm with me sometime next month. Don't worry I think she will have lots of fun :D . Thats why im thinking of inviting her anyways. I would like to her from the ladies as well as the guys too, to see what you think I should do.

Thanks a bunch

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Definitely ask for her email address, or her AIM ID if she's on AOL. Women like to be offered jackets and sweaters, great idea. The fright farm sounds like a haunted house type thing, which is perfect...girls get really scared and like to hang on to the guys. :D You're doing the right thing.


Talk via email at first (if possible) and this should increase your comfort level. Don't be afraid, we don't bite. Well, not that hard anyway.



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