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I am a jealous infidel in love and afraid.


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I am in a very strange situation. I met this guy in college and we instantly became great friends. It didn't take me very long to become attracted to him and slowly but surely he began to show me signs that he felt the same. Months flew by, and on the last day of the semester right before I was to leave for christmas break, he kissed me. We were eachother's first kiss. We both go back to our home towns ( we live in the same city) but do not see eachother but instead talk almost everyday and send eachother e-mails. When we came back to school we started hanging out together again and one night while we were just walking around and talking, we kissed again. We became intensely passionate with one another several times the entire semester.


Now you read this and wonder what the problem is? Well, the truly sad part about this situation is that we both have significant others! He's been telling me he broke up with her for months now and really wants to be in a relationship with me, but I'm having problems trusting him! He like to talk to me alot about all the other women he like and how he wishes he was this charming guy that all the women would flock to, and it makes me crazy jealous! I don't know if i'm being insecure or if I'm justified in my thoughts. The other sad part is the fact that I know I want to be with him, but I haven't broken up with mybf. He is the most wonderful guy i have ever met and It kills me to have to think of breaking his heart. Are we doomed from the start because we both cheated or are we a good thing being held back by my fear and insecurity? What should I do? He says he loves me and I' know I'm falling for him also.

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My best advice is what I would do if I were in your position: Just follow your heart. What is says just do. Going against it will destroy what its trying to tell you.

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