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Boring Relationship


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YOU ASK: "What do I do when my girlfriend does not


want to go out anymore?"


Talk to her and let her know what you are looking for in a partner. Tell her you need someone who will go places and do things with you. Ask her nicely if there is anything you can do to motivate her to do more things with you.


If she is just being lazy, or maybe she too is bored with the relationship, there are lots of other ladies out there who would be happy to go out and have drinks, dance, go to movies, dinner, etc.


So you can give your girlfriend the option. If she wants the relationship to continue, she can cave in and do some things with you...that's sort of what dating is all about. She also has the option of telling you to go find someone else.


That's probably what you're going to end up doing. But you only live once. Find somebody you are more compatible with.

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You sound like you are young and want to enjoy life and your girlfriend has turned into a homebody. That is not an easy thing to deal with. You are trying to be honest with her and not go out behind her back. It is good that you want to include her in your fun. But she has to meet you part of the way and, even if she doesn't want to go out as often as you do, if she really cared about your happiness, she would accompany you in your outings at least some of the time.


But you have to let her know how important it is to you to go out and have fun. You may have to say, "Bye, bye" if she doesn't want to meet you at least half way on this.

YOU ASK: "What do I do when my girlfriend does not want to go out anymore?" Talk to her and let her know what you are looking for in a partner. Tell her you need someone who will go places and do things with you. Ask her nicely if there is anything you can do to motivate her to do more things with you. If she is just being lazy, or maybe she too is bored with the relationship, there are lots of other ladies out there who would be happy to go out and have drinks, dance, go to movies, dinner, etc. So you can give your girlfriend the option. If she wants the relationship to continue, she can cave in and do some things with you...that's sort of what dating is all about. She also has the option of telling you to go find someone else.


That's probably what you're going to end up doing. But you only live once. Find somebody you are more compatible with.

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