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Outcome is Completely Lost

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My ex solicited sex online but never did anything sexual with anyone. I broke it of the first time bcs of this and a second time for the same reason. I love him to death and i'm in love with him. But would you give this person a third chance...He's honestly a good guy?

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Fool me once, more fool you.

Fool me twice, more fool me.


Fool me a third time? I deserve everything I get.

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Did I miss the part where you talked about loving (and respecting) yourself?


A liar who trolls the Internet for sex is "honestly" a good guy? You need to get out more. That's not what "love" is.


And honey, he ain't changing... Trust me.

Edited by ScienceGal
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No, I wouldn't give him a third chance. I'd always be worried that a guy like that is still creeping around looking for other people online and cheating on me. I wouldn't even want to deal with worrying about it. If he already abused your trust twice, I wouldn't set him up to do so a third time. The pattern is already there...

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