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One sided crush


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I'm new here and i need some advice please.


Please ignore the spelling mistakes as im in a rush, So heres the story..

I meet this women a few months ago and at the time she was with her boyfriend and i liked her but i did the right thing and kept it to myself because of her relationship, then i found out she got beat up by her boyfriend and i was there for her, she spoke to me and i was the only one she trusted to tell me exactly how she felt so i gave advice and we grew close we even texted each other over 200 times in a space of a week and i told her that i had a crush on her and she said she kinda knew and a month or so later i said thank you to her for not being awkward around me or backing off since i told her how i felt and she said she would prefer being good friends but you never no what could happen. But i have a gut feeling shes not interested in me and i know i need to support her through all this with her ex but i cant help how i feel. So what should i do, Stay by her through this and hope in time she see's me as more as a friend or back off and be just a friend and just help her.. I think i love her and i'll be totally gutted if she finds another guy even when she knows how i feel.

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For one thing you didnt play it cool. You should never said anything about having a crush. Now its already been done the best thing you can do is leave her alone for now. Depending on how stalkish youve been throughout this whole time and if you leave her alone she might contact you later on in future. I dont mean to be harsh just being real. Dont contact her. If you do it might make things worse.

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