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Is it hard to meet or talk to someone at college?


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I don't know how girls feel about talking to someone new at school..but I know I would like to meet new girls/friends at college. That's probably the best place to meet someone...but the question is how do girls feel about a guy talking to them at school? are they interested...or is it just a friend for the class/school? I don't know how to say what I want to say really good..this is the best I could do...


it's difficult because when you're in class nobody really looks interested in making friends..right when class ends everybody just rushes out and heads home or to their next class...why is this? is he/she just waiting for someone to make the first move or what? i have a few cute girls in some of my classes but i'm shy and afraid to talk to them cuz they seem like they don't want to talk to anyone...so i guess the main question is how do females feel about guys talking to them at school?

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The reason they rush out is because they don't know anyone.


College is the EASIEST place to meet people, including girls. Just be friendly. Introduce yourself. All it takes is, "Hi, I'm Insert Name Here, what's your name?" THAT'S IT. It's that simple.


Some girls could be there only to learn but I'm sure MANY are there to meet people, including guys to potentially date. Never know unless you try.

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I'm in agreement with Kevin. Sometimes you have to take the first step. I hated doing it, but found that when you're friendly, most people are responsive (not all, but a lot). A lot of them want to meet people, just like you do. They just have the same insecurities you do.

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yes, you can be perceived into thinking that the girls are being cold to you, but it's because they don't really know you. If make them feel humble or special by talking to them, most will not ignore you!

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  • 4 weeks later...

The best adn easiest way to meet peeps and get invited to things is to join clubs! My closest friends come from the clubs i was active in from college. Good luck!!! Enjoy these years!!!

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Cool Observer
Originally posted by UCFKevin


The reason they rush out is because they don't know anyone.


College is the EASIEST place to meet people, including girls. Just be friendly. Introduce yourself. All it takes is, "Hi, I'm Insert Name Here, what's your name?" THAT'S IT. It's that simple...


Exactly right! And even just a casual but friendly "Hi there, how are you doing?" will work wonders.


Especially if said with a smile. And a smile should be easy, surely? If you're approaching a girl you like the look of?


And if you want to get more "approach girls" and converation starting tips, check out this cool website:



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  • 2 weeks later...

You know there was a guy in 3 out of my 5 classes that I am taking this semester. He was around me 24/7 and inside and outside of class. Very 'friendly' for a classmate. He never outright said anything to me but it was obvious that he was interested in me romatically.


But through taking the time and asking the right questions off the back like "Do you have a gf" "what are you interests/career plans" and observing his behaviour it was easy to see that this guy IS NOT for me.


Does that make him evil? NO. It says that I looking for something particular, and that's okay because you want Smart Susan/Sam not Sleezy Edina/Eddie.


If you approach a girl, ask her to 'study', don't rush into anything because you may realise all you like was her physical apperance. But at the same time don't lie about your feelings if you do have any.


A lot of people waste time beacuse they are not sure of themselves or what they desire in a mate.


So enjoy your time and date as many people as possible and refine your taste and be patient, love is worth the wait.

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I definitely agree with just meeting people, dating and having fun, refining your tastes as far as girlfriends go. I see dating here in college like walking around with a huge butterfly net...you just have to know what to look out for, and who to avoid, and when to let them go. I say this because of our age, on average nobody really wants to be tied up in a deeply serious relationship, nor do they want a fling that will make them feel used.


I would just be as friendly and open minded as possible, make eye contact, and if they don't show interest in a friendly way...move on, there's a ton of people to meet on campus! I'm probably one of those girls that seems unapproachable, but that's only when I'm tired from work/school, just tired in general from lack of sleep, or just feeling like the life's drained out of me from a boring class or something. I dont mean to give off an unaprroachable vibe, it just happens sometimes I guess-Im happy once I talk to one of my friends though. More on topic,,,when approaching girls, go with a "Friend" mindset, and not "this could be my girlfriend" mindset, so that if they are mean,cold, or if they're flakey after 2 minutes of convo, you wont be hurt, because you weren't trying to get with her anyways. Also, when you do look at girls for possible girlfriends, after you're friends first think to yourself:


1. do I have time for a girlfriend (many guys skip this and it gets them in trouble later, when they dont call, or go out with their girl, and she feels neglected)

2. do I have extra spending cash, to use on dates to help pay for stuff

3. will I have fun with this person, when we're dating - because being someone's friend is much much different from being their boyfriend. When you're dating them, every tiny thing has emotions attatched to it, whereas when you're friends, if they say something that irks you...you can just not hang out with them, or back off...when you're dating someone everything gets taken personally and can develop into a problem that could rock the relationship boat, and make spending time with the person more like a chore- instead of having fun.


(I think the true test of a relationship is whether or not I spend more time smiling :D , and laughing- or whether Im spending more time mulling over re-occuring issues in the relationship :confused: )


Hope I made some sense, if not, I apologize profusely...Im on a lot of cold/flu medication :o

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I don't want to come off like I'm Mr. Studmuffin or anything like that, but college was all about the girls (and my grades proved it :) )


The most remarkable thing about college vs. High school is that you get to pick your classes...you put yourself in the places where you have interests...and suddenly you are surrounded by people who have similar interests to you.


I spent more time hanging around the music and arts departments at my school meeting amazing girl after amazing girl who cared about the things I cared about, and wanted to learn about the things I was learning...


No bar in South Beach ever produced results like the Library on my college's main campus. I could be sitting and working on a term paper, and find girls who were looking for books on the same subject as I was working on...and leave with phone numbers of smart attactive women.



That's the other thing that changed for me. In high school, I was really smart, but kind of a stoner loner...Think of a hybrid of John Bender and Brian Johnson from The Breakfast Club, and you'ld be close...My stoner friends were confused by the things I read and studied, and the people in the Honors and AP classes didn't know what to make of the refugee from the smoker's section who sat in the back of the class and wrote better term papers than they did....In college I got to be Chris Knight from "Real Genius" Smart, but mischevious, and suddenly I found others who understood that. Some of them are still friends over a decade later...


Don't be antsy about college...take it in stride, and you'll quickly realize what great thing await you :)




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i think this is the first post here since eons where ive stopped visiting this site.


anyway, i attend college so i know what situation you're in.

first off, many of the courses you attend are probably liberal arts courses, where everyone sits there and listens to the boring lectures. after taht it's home.


But not all courses are like that. for eg: im in the design field, so there will be chances for me to interact with classmates during class cause it's a more laid back, critiquing and sharing idea, open discussion type of class.


in most situations i've seen many people dont really interact in their liberal arts courses because theres almost lack of opportunity it seems. or if you would, you would start off with a question about school/class/professor topic and go on from there.


i havent read everyone's replies, but as kevin said, college usually is the easiest placet to meet people.

IMO, what i've seen so far of my campus, the easiest places to meet people would probably be clubs, extraccuricular activities (acting , sports, student government), libraries, cafeteria also.


in the end it's up to you and how you communicate with people.

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