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AM, if it's become about who wins or loses, then you both have already lost. Write it off, consider it an £80 investment towards stress reduction.









thank you


your right]




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thank you


your right]





You do realize that you, aMguilts, just told me, TOJAZ that I was right dont you? :eek::eek::eek: No worries, I won't let it go to my head.:p:D



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and i wont tell you that i feel like ending it all and you can then live with all the times you were either right or wrong and this is just a forum and neither of us can be right or wrong at the same time


or even Crusoe giving me ALL the pm`s he gave me


or even ME...... for `giving grief and so much **** to everyone`


For me, not even allowed to say anything on here without it being ripped to shreds




Just a gag aM, relax, have a laugh. You could use one.

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Just a gag aM, relax, have a laugh. You could use one.

i know


thank you



i`m sorry



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i just want to be happy

that too much to ask?


i am going to just forget it

my own happiness is worth more than what i am asking for,


i do listen...sometimes


i`ll come out of this , i`m not a quitter

its a big fight every day, but i`ll beat it

have done so far

need to see the finish line (i was going to post more but then i realised this wasn`t the dep forum)


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(i was going to post more but then i realised this wasn`t the dep forum)


It's your thread aM, post whatever you like

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It's your thread aM, post whatever you like

well i`ve been `infratced` for posting on one of my other threads before!!!

so i`ll pass on this one too

like i said, cant say ANYTHING on here lately

welll, i cant

its all good


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well i`ve been `infratced` for posting on one of my other threads before!!!

so i`ll pass on this one too

like i said, cant say ANYTHING on here lately

welll, i cant

its all good



EH, lots of people have been infracted. I was a couple years ago, got over it pretty quick though.


You can talk all you like about pretty much whatever you like as long as it isn't flat out insulting or attacking someone else, so if your just talking about yourself then your perfectly safe and don't have to worry about which forum it's in. S&D, and all the other forums crisscross all the time.


In other words, you can talk about your feelings all you like, just try not to hurt anyone else's.



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the girl in this vid is me, but reversed

listen to the lyrics while you watch


sad eh?



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If you need the money, tell her. "Hey, pay me back. I need the money". You can ask, ask again and even ask a third time. If no response and no money...then what can you do? I guess 'letting it go' might be more mental that physical. Wanting an answer. Any answer. Yes or no. You know? After awhile, hunting down money costs more than you're trying to get. That's when you quit. Cut your losses. It's practical stuff. Common sense. OK?


I don't know what you've done, or written to her. I'm just posting advice.


My ex took and took. When I gave, I was a pushover. When I didn't I was an a-hole. I told her; "No matter what I lose, so I'll lose and keep my money." She didn't like that either, but that's what she gets. Didn't mean I didn't care. It meant I just wasn't falling for it anymore. Think about it.


As for the infractions, so what? You disagreed with me several times but I'm still posting to you, aren't I? People's skin is too thin. No one really knows anyone here aM. Except for those of us who have exchanged email.

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If you need the money, tell her. "Hey, pay me back. I need the money". You can ask, ask again and even ask a third time. If no response and no money...then what can you do? I guess 'letting it go' might be more mental that physical. Wanting an answer. Any answer. Yes or no. You know? After awhile, hunting down money costs more than you're trying to get. That's when you quit. Cut your losses. It's practical stuff. Common sense. OK?


I don't know what you've done, or written to her. I'm just posting advice.


My ex took and took. When I gave, I was a pushover. When I didn't I was an a-hole. I told her; "No matter what I lose, so I'll lose and keep my money." She didn't like that either, but that's what she gets. Didn't mean I didn't care. It meant I just wasn't falling for it anymore. Think about it.


As for the infractions, so what? You disagreed with me several times but I'm still posting to you, aren't I? People's skin is too thin. No one really knows anyone here aM. Except for those of us who have exchanged email.



i hear you

yeah any answer is better than none?

i think yas said it

i should just let go of it all.

better to walk away with my head held high

than to bow and beg like a dog

i was going to go for it, just out of what, justice?(talking to myself here ok)

it`s money

she needs it more than me

i dont need money to be happy

she can have it


ty steadfast



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If you were going for the money for any other reason than what money can buy (food, gas, rent...whatever) then yeah, Yas steered you straight. He's a great poster. I enjoy reading his no nonsense responses.


No...never beg. You know that. You understand that and you've posted the same advice. It's just...being real, you know? Sometimes you need money!


Simple as that. No angles, no games...no other reason than you need what belongs to you back. See, that's where the rub is for me. Anytime a person feels they need someone's stuff more than they do, that's f-ed up. That's why I thought you should ask. But, if it's more trouble than it's worth...


I know you miss her. So...you miss her! What are you supposed to do, NOT miss someone that you loved enough to marry? But what's the difference between missing and wanting what you can't have? I don't know the details aM because you haven't posted them. That's OK. Use LS how you want. Do what helps. Whatever it is that makes things tolerable.

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I'm sorry to hear your going threw this pain once again. But you will pull yourself out of this hole once again. I definitively know how your feeling right now. My ex has made a few comments the last few days pretty much stating that she is still done (don't know why she even made them because I haven't even brought anything up in about a month and a half). I didn't make any remarks back, I just suggested that she is right. But it has set me back weeks. I was doing great for about 3 weeks, but now the last few days I find myself tearing up and missing her once again. I don't know why I allow myself to let her rent space in my head. But the last few days she's been there. But I know in a few more days ill become the happy person I was becoming a few days ago. Because she is just a want not a need. Something that you aMguilts have taught me. That's why I know you'll be climbing up once again real soon. You just need to start thinking about the advise you have given many people on this site about how to get over the pain.


As for the money if you don't need it just drop it. You may be using the money just hoping to be able to talk to her. Wanting the money is allowing her to rent space in your head. Drop the issue and there's one less reason for her to be in there.

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well i finally gave in at text her asking for in. She said she posted it to me last night. don`t know whether to believe her or not


hi ataloss

your right. need to get my head around the fact that she is just a want. we all want what we can`t have. Sorry to hear you are down again. We both know that it wont last.


One thing i have to post. I just saw her at a bus stop. my heart pounded and the pain of loss was so immense. just wanted to go to her and hold her but i knew she`d just tell me to go away :(


just want it to stop



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It will stop someday, for some its sooner than later. I envy those who can get over someone quickly. But at the same time I wonder if they truly cared about the people they were with. But if it hurts than that just means you were in your marriage for the right reasons. But over time it will get better.

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It will stop someday, for some its sooner than later. I envy those who can get over someone quickly. But at the same time I wonder if they truly cared about the people they were with. But if it hurts than that just means you were in your marriage for the right reasons. But over time it will get better.


I've never seen better, more truthful and more heartfelt posts on LS than I have recently. This is very well put. Spoken from experience, I presume.


The fight begins when we envision what we want to become. I cannot believe how many people hold on to the pain because it's the only thing left from the relationship. Not saying you're doing that aM, just saying. You must work through...every step. You know. But! One happy thought is; you attracted her, you can attract again. This time he will be wiser...stronger...more sure of himself. Isn't that the goal, for all of us? It is a painful process but one we all must undertake.


Glad you texted for the cash. Here's hoping it shows-

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One thing i have to post. I just saw her at a bus stop. my heart pounded and the pain of loss was so immense. just wanted to go to her and hold her but i knew she`d just tell me to go away :(


just want it to stop




Glad you're opening up a little. Glad you trust us enough to do that. I know it hurts. Sadly, it's supposed to. It has to. The pounding/burning will stop, but (a part of you) will probably always love her, no matter what. That's life.

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