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me as of now

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An original I wrote for her...


This life I've been given

and the life that I lost;

A choice that she made

Which comes at my cost.


She is worse than the devil

With her selfserving lies;

Worked her plan to perfection

My destruction her prize.


Compassion and guilt

Are only masks that she wears;

She speaks with a forked tongue

and does not care.


Myself or our children

For us could not stay;

Our family - no value

We only stood in her way.


I damn her and curse her

that blood sucking leech;

May happiness forever be in sight

but never within reach...

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You've given alot of people alot of good advice. People seeking reasons to why their spouses/partners hurt them. It's membership to a club nobody wants to join and it sucks.


I wish I had this forum to come and vent when I was going through my sh*t(s), hope things are a little better today. Good luck to you.

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An original I wrote for her...


This life I've been given

and the life that I lost;

A choice that she made

Which comes at my cost.


She is worse than the devil

With her selfserving lies;

Worked her plan to perfection

My destruction her prize.


Compassion and guilt

Are only masks that she wears;

She speaks with a forked tongue

and does not care.


Myself or our children

For us could not stay;

Our family - no value

We only stood in her way.


I damn her and curse her

that blood sucking leech;

May happiness forever be in sight

but never within reach...


Am I correct? Does this poem spew anger?

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Hi Yas... it does vent the anger. The Jekyll/Hyde theory. We pine for Jekyll - the one we loved and who loved us. It was Hyde that broke our hearts and put us in hell. Jekyll for us, has been gone... it's always Hyde - but so hard to see in the memory.

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Am, One of the biggest things people have a hard time with is accepting that this all takes time, it doesn't just shut off.


You are far from the hopeless cause you paint yourself to be, but you most certainly will stay stuck there for as long as that is what you choose to believe.


It's not all going to be better tomorrow, but if tomorrow can be a little bit easier then today was, then that's a victory and then you move on to the next......



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I wish it was just as a simple thing as feeling `sorry for myself`


None of you know whats going on in my head at any given time.

It`s hard for me to even understand it or even put it into words

most of the time i fek it up and i end up saying things that always `come out wrong`


I have a hard time getting across what i really mean to say. I KNOW what i want to say and in which way, but it always gets contrived in some way( hence my infractions...(or maybe they can be an example))


i don`t have one nasty bone in my body, i wish no harm to anyone

I`ve been `battling` all my life

Against what?

Well as i get older i can see that its not me. I`m not battling myself.


I`m not welling in self pity, i don`t need or WANT... ANYONE to feel sorry for me


My trouble has always been that i`m TOO honest

I`ve been told that i lack tactfulness, consideration/diplomacy.

least i`m honest



Anyway an update

She STILL hasn`t text me to arrange when i can get my money that she owes me back

so i just text her and asked for it

i didn`t want to, she left me no choice???


Part of me is thinking to just forget about it and let her have it?


Thank you all for replying to me :)

means a lot to me



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Why would you let her have it?


Well after i paid of most of her debts..(18K plus)


going after £80 seems to me more hassle than its worth?

the 80 was after we split up thou

i helped her out

yeah i know.....AGAIN!


thats what i`m asking

shall i just `write it off`?



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If you can afford to, let her have, write it off, don't think about anymore, forget it and strive to be happy. Yas

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If you can afford to, let her have, write it off, don't think about anymore, forget it and strive to be happy. Yas

no i cant afford it


i need it

i have text her tonight asking for it,

i have phoned her 3 times, just for it to ring and ring and ring.....

and then go to answerphone

so yas?


what should i do?


stick to what i believe in

or just lay back and let her win by ME giving in?



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If you can afford to, let her have, write it off, don't think about anymore, forget it and strive to be happy. Yas


your right.

i should just right it off


been waiting for this for 3 weeks now

and now it`s here i`m not even surprised

that she hasn`t texted:mad:...< ignore that


emoticons `confuse` posters .... so i`ve been `advised!!!`


will exclamation marks be censored next???


sooner or later i wont be able to say ANYTHING on here without offending SOMEONE!!!


What THE hell CAN i say????




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no i cant afford it


i need it

i have text her tonight asking for it,

i have phoned her 3 times, just for it to ring and ring and ring.....

and then go to answerphone

so yas?


what should i do?


stick to what i believe in

or just lay back and let her win by ME giving in?




I think you should allow yourself to win by "letting" her keep the dough, and "giving" yourself freedom from acting in the role a bill collector with a significant other.


If indeed you could not afford it - then you must face you made a mistake in loaning it in the first place. Of course, you have learned from the experience to not loan money to this person again.


Here is a solution. You have to cut costs. I am cutting costs myself - I will give you some examples. I got the electric bill down from $169 to $77, by turning down the fridge, not burning the outside lights at night, turning down the water heater, etc. My gas for heat was only $45 - because I didn't run the heat hardly - and it has been in the 30's sometimes. I've been burning wood out of the yard. I really cut back on food - and started eating some really cheap stuff. I only went to the store one time in February - and I'm still stretching it. Next month I'm gonna get dried beans to cook up and freeze, and make some soups.


This is the biggest expense I cut of all. I dropped the ciggarettes and the wine, period - no more. And I have expensive taste in both. One whole month. Can you believe it?


Now, since you leant money you didn't have, you gotta eat beans for awhile, and do 50 sit-ups. You get me?

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I think you should allow yourself to win by "letting" her keep the dough, and "giving" yourself freedom from acting in the role a bill collector with a significant other.


If indeed you could not afford it - then you must face you made a mistake in loaning it in the first place. Of course, you have learned from the experience to not loan money to this person again.


Here is a solution. You have to cut costs. I am cutting costs myself - I will give you some examples. I got the electric bill down from $169 to $77, by turning down the fridge, not burning the outside lights at night, turning down the water heater, etc. My gas for heat was only $45 - because I didn't run the heat hardly - and it has been in the 30's sometimes. I've been burning wood out of the yard. I really cut back on food - and started eating some really cheap stuff. I only went to the store one time in February - and I'm still stretching it. Next month I'm gonna get dried beans to cook up and freeze, and make some soups.


This is the biggest expense I cut of all. I dropped the ciggarettes and the wine, period - no more. And I have expensive taste in both. One whole month. Can you believe it?


Now, since you leant money you didn't have, you gotta eat beans for awhile, and do 50 sit-ups. You get me?

no i don`t

she owes me

i`m ignoring the rest she `owes` me

but this i cant seem too

it was after we were REALLY through


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ok. i see what your`re saying



Either way, you screwed out of the money. Just determine what opinion you wanna have of it.

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Either way, you screwed out of the money. Just determine what opinion you wanna have of it.

i didnt lend beans i didn`t have

i put ALL my beans in what i did have




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ok. i see what your`re saying



Either way, you screwed out of the money. Just determine what opinion you wanna have of it.


And whether or not you want agravation, or to do without some stuff as your lesson.


You sound better. Good.

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Either way, you screwed out of the money. Just determine what opinion you wanna have of it.




what do you think i should do?


keep chasing it

or let it go?



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what do you think i should do?


keep chasing it

or let it go?




I think you should try not to lend money to people who don't pay you back.


Also, I think you can do WITHOUT being a bill collector, it is too much stress when you trying to get a person you love to pony up the dough. Money often c ormplicates ruins relationships.


Finially, I think you should just chalk it up to a loss, do without some stuff (like suggrstions I gave you), untill you make up for the loss.


The greatest part of eating it is that the next time she wants money - IT WILL BE VERY EASY TO SAY NO. Cause she didn't pay back the last loan. So sorry for her.

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I think you should allow yourself to win by "letting" her keep the dough, and "giving" yourself freedom from acting in the role a bill collector with a significant other.


If indeed you could not afford it - then you must face you made a mistake in loaning it in the first place. Of course, you have learned from the experience to not loan money to this person again.


Here is a solution. You have to cut costs. I am cutting costs myself - I will give you some examples. I got the electric bill down from $169 to $77, by turning down the fridge, not burning the outside lights at night, turning down the water heater, etc. My gas for heat was only $45 - because I didn't run the heat hardly - and it has been in the 30's sometimes. I've been burning wood out of the yard. I really cut back on food - and started eating some really cheap stuff. I only went to the store one time in February - and I'm still stretching it. Next month I'm gonna get dried beans to cook up and freeze, and make some soups.


This is the biggest expense I cut of all. I dropped the ciggarettes and the wine, period - no more. And I have expensive taste in both. One whole month. Can you believe it?


Now, since you leant money you didn't have, you gotta eat beans for awhile, and do 50 sit-ups. You get me?



yeah i get you

your right

i`ll let it go




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I think you should try not to lend money to people who don't pay you back.


Also, I think you can do WITHOUT being a bill collector, it is too much stress when you trying to get a person you love to pony up the dough. Money often c ormplicates ruins relationships.


Finially, I think you should just chalk it up to a loss, do without some stuff (like suggrstions I gave you), untill you make up for the loss.


The greatest part of eating it is that the next time she wants money - IT WILL BE VERY EASY TO SAY NO. Cause she didn't pay back the last loan. So sorry for her.


your right

it was my fault

the flags were right in my face


i`m going to wright it off

still hurts thou you know?



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your right

it was my fault

the flags were right in my face


i`m going to right it off

still hurts thou you know? :)





Well, sometimes the lesson learned from mistakes are painful. But look at the bright side - you don't have to feel obligated to give out anymore loans! Yas

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Well, sometimes the lesson learned from mistakes are painful. But look at the bright side - you don't have to feel obligated to give out anymore loans! Yas




i know

its still not over for me thou :(




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or just lay back and let her win by ME giving in?


AM, if it's become about who wins or loses, then you both have already lost. Write it off, consider it an £80 investment towards stress reduction.


getting sh it in pm now too

and i dont know how to reply

pm has never worked for me




If people are giving you trouble via PM, there is an ignore option on a per user basis, no need to reply.



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