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Does this girl like me?

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Sorry if this is in the wrong section but im new dont blame me just need answers :confused:


So I know this girl, were pretty cool. Im not to sure if she likes me tho or not interested. The other night we were texting. usually texting, I noticed she used alot of double exclamation points after certain things. Like I made fun of her a little(flirting). we stopped texting around like 1am and she texted me back later saying "I cant sleep :/" so I continued texting her.

Today something caught my attention. When I walked into the classroom she said "wow Ive never seen you were a sweatshirt" I was a bit confused cause ive worn sweatshirts before so I questioned her and she said a zip up one.

but enough of that. Shes given me like compliments in groups of people tho. Like one day she told me I was a good rapper, but today she said in a group of people that I told good bedtime stories which I thought was cool I guess.

But like she sits at my table during class and ill be talking to her just fine but then when I start talking to the other kids at the table she kinda puts her head down?

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