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Cheater as a Friend?

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So lately i've posted about giving a cheater a third chance....Last night i texted my ex who of course cheated twice(well was soliciting sex, but never did anything) and i realized though i was happy with him, he doesn't love me enough to be faithful. I know you guys may say he never loved me, but i know he did love me. He's just addicted to sex and that will never change. He asked me about school and how I was doing and if maybe next time i'm in town if i'll see him. He sounds like he still cares, and he probably does. Old habits die hard, so i assure you I won't get back with him. My question is would being friends with an ex be a good idea and if not should i just ignore his texts? Another question is if he cheated on me does that mean he cheated on his past relationships?


-If you read this, I appreciate all input. Thanks

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I doubt your next boyfriend, who could possibly turn out to be an awesome guy, will enjoy the fact that you are hanging on to this guy even as a friend.

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13th thread on "should I stay with this loser?". And I'm guessing 13 threads of "Leave the cheating POS that see's you as nothing more than a piece of a**."


OK. We've been going about it all wrong. I guess we've been giving you the wrong answer. Here, see if this helps.


He's just confused. He will soon see the evil of his ways and stop cerial cheating behind your back. He may just want you for sex now, but if you stay with him he will surely see behind all of that and start loving you the way you deserve to be loved. He has no respect for you now, but that COULD change. Plus, people divorce ALL THE TIME after marrying someone who they thought marriage would change for the better. So there's a lot of history for when that happens. You'll get a lot of support here in that UNLIKELY event.


Don't let anyone kid you. It's gonna' be hard for a few years. Leopards don't change their spots that quickly. But stick with it. It'll be worth it.


Plus. ALWAYS REMEMBER. He comes back to YOU after screwing these other girls. That stands for something, right?


Stay with it. He's a keeper. It'll be worth it.

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On a more serious note, you can't stay friends with him for the simple fact that you don't have "friends" feelings for him. You need to either siht or get off the pot, i.e., Either accept that he is a cheater, or move on. This in between crap is going to drive you insane when he starts talking to you like a friend about all the women he is with.


Also - as I have said in one of your previous threads - what do you think soliciting means????

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I'm sorry you guys yesterday I texted him... And he wanted to be friends. I looked him up online and found that he has a match.com now and he's also on a hook up website... I'm so stupid for falling for him... I'm hurt and he'll never change his ways...how do I cope now? Any suggestions I cried all last night coming to the realization he never loved me or else he wouldn't have risked losing me

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You cope by allowing yourself to detox from this addiction you have to this toxic relationship.


You may have been given this advice before , dunno, but you have to cut off all avenues of contact.


It won't be easy and it takes time to get this person out of your system.


You become as sick as them if you continue to have contact with them.

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