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Cheated on b/f

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I have this friend who i liked but didn't say anything to.I finally found a b/f and my friend found a g/f.The problem is we finally told each other how we felt like 2 years ago. And what happen next is this we began seeing each other behind my b/f's back and my friends g/f left him but thats was before we started seeing each other. We made love on 4 occassion in that 2 years my b/f still doesn't know and his present g/f doesn't live her so she has no idea what is going on. We tried stop seeing each other ,stop talking to each other but it never last. He actually told me he was in love with me from then.He actually told me he is settle for what he has because he can't get what he want.Everytime we see each other things just happen.But i really love spending time with him. You see now i am trying to call it quits with my b/f nt for him but i know if he ever finds out it is going to hurt him and i don't want to do mine i already did.But he doesn't want to let go.




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Stop letting your "BF" think you are a true and faithful woman for him. You are wasting his time.


I suggest you stop all contact with this other uy you've been banging on the side and I also suggest you break up with the "bf".


Then when you are alone, without a boyfriend at all work on making yourself a good person who does not do harmful things in the pursuit of "love."


You need more maturity before you can handle an adult relationship.


on the other hand, if all you really are after is a series of pointless sexual encounters--go for it! But be honest about what you want.


that's the key thing here--honesty.

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It is quite obvious that this guy could have you to himself if he wanted. I don't understand why he has to "settle" for his current girlfriend. You two would make a great couple, seeing as you both have been continually cheating on your partners, and probably never thought of telling them.


Have you two, and your partners, been regularly tested for STDs? Wouldn't it be fun if you found out some nasty infections were spread around through all of this cheating?


It is obvious that you do not care for your boyfriend, and that this other guy does not feel much for his girlfriend. If you two do end up together, I have a feeling you will not be faithful to one another. I think you should tell your boyfriend what has been happening. I think you owe it to him to find someone that he deserves. I hope the other guy would do the same favor for his girlfriend.

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