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In search of qoutes


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Does anyone know some good words of incouragement/sisterhood/respect? Post 'em here...I leave them at the bottom of my sorority meeting agendas for my girls. I surely appreciate it!



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Here are some from the Beacon Book of Quotations by Women:



"There are two ways of spreading light: to be / The candle or the mirror that reflects it." - Edith Wharton, "Vesalius in Zante," Artemis to Actaeon (1909)



"When asked, most folks will gladly tell us about ourselves, who we are, what we're feeling, and where we should be heading. And if we don't honor ourselves by listening to our lives, we'll believe them." - Susan L. Taylor, in Gloria-Wade-Gayles, ed., My Soul Is a Witness (1995)



"We are each other's reference point at our turning points." - Elizabeth Fishel, Sisters (1979)

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