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Friend is scared of change, how can I help her?

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My friend Trish has been having problems with her BF for many years now. She's sooooooo afraid of change that she wont leave her relationship. I'm concerned for her. This relationship isn't doing her any good. What can I do to help her with her problems.


This guy has turned her into something we both don't like. For the people that are going to say she has to come to this comclusion herself. Yes I know.., how do I get the ball rolling? We've talked about it and I'm worried for her.




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Of course, like you said it's her decision but I think that supportive loving friends help a lot...usually people are afraid to leave certain situations because they lack self confidence. I'd try getting her involved in something that's just for you girls, (i.e. no BF) maybe something like a belly dancing class, aerobics or a reading club. This way she can develop new skills and talents, improve her self confidence and and discover that there ois a lot she can do, maybe even lose the BF.

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