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New to forum~a synopsis of my LDR and my little problem and solution

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[font=arial][/font][color=darkblue][/color]Hello all, nice to meet you :) I am new to this forum and I'm so glad to have found a forum that addresses the problems or happinesses that I have in my LDR. I have been with my boyfriend who lives in California; I live in Georgia by the way. We have been together almost a year [...in October ^_^)]...For half of our relationship we've been a part. He served in the military and when he got out, he realized that there is NOTHING here...(no kidding you guys) and returned to his "home". I was totally supportive and stuff. We've survived so far. My only gripe about him sometimes is that he doesn't like to pick up the phone---given the long distance relationship, this should not be an issue. But we had a talk tonight and there were tears...(no worries, we're still going strongly) but we've resolved our problems and I now have a completely new understanding and he does too...



So whoever says LDRs don't work .. uh .. well, it is ur opinion and your opinion is very valid :)



Again~ nice to meet you all and I hope you will be here for me as much as everyone else...i've read a lot of advice and I've found my place on the internet... *duhn duhn duhn*

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Hi, nice to meet you. I am married and have a LDR with my husband. (wrote LDS in one post :D ).

Yes LDR works and depending on your lifestyle and life goals is sometimes importance . It is hard, one needs to be very strong to survive. I am really happy in my relationship. We have 9 months or more to go before we can move together. We meet for vacations and spend unforgettable time together, travel lot. We overdid it this year so we can’t meet till December. :( But we are planing two weeks of vacation then and are excited about it. :love:


Good luck you both in your relationships! You are not alone. It is very common in our days. And I will see you around.

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Hello, I am in a long distnace relationship now for almost 2 years. And it has been that from day 3 into our relationship. I am from Trinidad(in the caribbean) and he is from Barbados (also in the caribbean) Two months ago we got engaged and are due to be hitched in November. That problem you say you are having with him not picking up the phone seems to be a larger problem that it may seem. But I can tell you I had almost the same experience. My fiance hates the computer...does not know how to use it properly. I taught him a bit and for a very short while he tried. He eventually gave up and we stuck to the phone and high bills.

If your man is using alternative methods of contact I say that is fine..it is his preference. But if the phone is all you are using or even if it is the main form of contact and he is reluctant, I say there is an underlying problem. LDR's do work but it takes guts and a strong stomach and heart. I wish you the best and you will go through problems, but it is how you come out of them that defines the success of your realtionship.

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Hello there! Nice to know there are so many others in LDRS and each one seems different. I am in a 700 mile LDR, we have been together for about 25 months, and 9 of those months have been spent living far away from each other. It's a very hard thing to do, but I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with him, so it makes it all worth it. :love: We still have until Dec. 2005 to be able to live together. I think good communication is key to a LDR since it's the only form of contact we have with one another(until we see our SO). 1 month for me, I'm really excited!!! Good luck all! :D

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