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Activities to do with your partner that don't cost money..ideas !

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The guy i am seeing is probably coming down to stay with me for the first time next weekend,but i have just found out that i am in a bad state financially,so cannot afford to spend any money (even ruling out a trip to mcdonalds!) I would be incredibly grateful of ideas of free/VERY cheap things to do together that will still make me feel like i have been a good host!


PS: He is bringing his six year old son so will need to be 'child friendly'

Also,we already play board games and watch TV/DVDs

And...i live in England,so the weather is tempremental to say the least!


Thanks in advance! :)

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Check out a local community calender of sorts for any special events going on in the area that are very cheap or free.

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I've had this dialemma before - here are some things we did:


1) Local Park and picnic (weather permitting of course)

2) A big country walk (weather, location and transport permitting)

3) Laserquest with the little one (you should play too its fun)!

4) Cinema (cheap-ish as a treat)

5) Visit and help at an animal shelter (my kids love this)

6) Cook or bake (cookie dough being my favourite)

7) Have a 'date night' once the little one is in bed

(flowers, wine, movie etc..)

8) an in house treasure hunt (if she can read this can keep her busy hours)!

9) Come Dine with Me (you cook and they rate your food out of 10 - next

day he cooks and you and his daughter do the same :)


Everyone is different, but maybe one or two of these will help ^^

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If you already play board games, why not take some of the pieces, and a piece of cardboard, some markers/colored pencils and together sit down and come up with your OWN board game? Combine rules, concepts and then let the 6 year old help you decorate the board. It could technically be part of the activitiy for the whole weekend. Idea on Friday, Create the board on Sat morning, play Sat night.


Bake cookies/cake or dinner together depending on skill level. Something unusual you haven't made before that takes a bit of effort. Check out pinterest for some ideas!


Have an indoor beach party (if it rains) or one outside if the weather is nice. Have the little one color some bright sunshine and flowers on paper, cut out stick to the walls and furniture, throw a blanket on the floor, play beach music and eat cook out food.


Build a house of cards. Use multiple decks and have a prize for the winner. Cupcakes maybe.


Build a pillow fort and play all your games in there.


Paper airplane challenge. There are a million ideas of different types of paper airplanes and you can have all kinds of different races/best plane/best decorated plane/flys the fastest, fartherst,straightest


Create a theme for the whole weekend and fit all your activities in that.


Treasure hunt. Make the clues grown up and kid friendly. :)


Have fun!!!

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The guy i am seeing is probably coming down to stay with me for the first time next weekend,but i have just found out that i am in a bad state financially,so cannot afford to spend any money (even ruling out a trip to mcdonalds!) I would be incredibly grateful of ideas of free/VERY cheap things to do together that will still make me feel like i have been a good host!


PS: He is bringing his six year old son so will need to be 'child friendly'

Also,we already play board games and watch TV/DVDs

And...i live in England,so the weather is tempremental to say the least!


Thanks in advance! :)


Living in England you should know that there is no such thing as bad weather....just the wrong clothes!


Walks are always good (wellies and raincoats and you're good to go!) Do you have any woods near you? From my experience, boys that age love getting messy, searching for 'creatures' or just splashing in the biggest puddles they can find.


My 7 year old niece loves indoor picnics - clear a space, put a rug down and for some reason, everything tastes better!


Check your local mumsnet website - it's full of good cheap ideas of what's going on in your area.


Finally, it's a cliche, but it really is the company you are in, not the event or how much you spend, which makes things special.

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